Bin Azubi, habe 5 geschrieben. Ausbildung abbrechen?


Mein Problem ist das ich im 1 lj bin und eine 5 geschrieben habe, letzte Arbeit hatte ich eine 2 aber diesmal, kamen Formeln dran und allgemein hasse ich Marhe, schäme mich extrem .

Habt ihr mal schlechte Noten geschrieben als Azubi?

Soll ich meine Note meinem Ausbilder zeigen muss eig , habs bis jtz gemacht. Habe angst das er mit mir schimpft ?

Soll ich meine Ausbildung abbrechen?

Bin ich zu doof für die Ausbildung bin im 1 lj denke aber das ich die Prüfung nicht schaffe wenn ich eine 5 geschrieben habe!!!!

Hilft mir ! Erzählt mir bitte von euch bin verzweifelt

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1 year ago

Continue, at the beginning of training I was also quite bad . The realization came then . Finally I passed the examination as one of the best .

Theorie 2

Practice 2

1 year ago

In your later career, you will be “smacking” with you more often. If you don’t say it, it’ll come out anyway.

Talk to the person who trains you and ask how to learn the application of the formulas.

But if the whole job isn’t fun for you and you don’t have any reference to the learning field, break it off. But talk to your parents before, because that would have a far-reaching consequence.

Good success 😉

1 year ago

Letze’s work something ne 2, so you’re not stupid. A 5 can happen. After all, you’re not always in top form.

Now you know a few of your weaknesses through the 5. You still have time to deal with it and learn for the exam.

1 year ago

Mistake. you can improve

1 year ago

All right. The first year is usually not relevant. I didn’t even make the first Lj, but I slipped right into the second. The truth is that only the interim examination and final examination are relevant.

1 year ago

Because of a five, you don’t throw everything right away.

1 year ago

a single five?

I hate you. It’ll be nix.

If you are insecure, ask your instructor how this is handled.

1 year ago

Many companies also offer the Azubis an in-house remedy. Explore your instructor assigned to you.

Because of A 5 to break the training, it would be short-sighted.