Bin 1,80 groß und eine Frau?

(bin 14) Hey. Ich hab so ein problem. Ich bin genau 1.80 groß und weiblich. früher als kind war ich so groß wie die meisten und hab eif. normal gelebt und mir über sowas keine gedanken gemacht. erst vor ca. 2 jahren bin ich so krass gewachsen. das ist meine größte unsicherheit. wenn es eine sache geben würde die ich ändern könnte wär es meine größe. oft steh ich vorm spiegel und weine darüber. finde mich so hässlich. ich hab das gefühl das andere menschen denken ich bin komisch weil ich so groß bin. habe 2 freundinnen und die sind ca. 2 köpfe kleiner als ich, fühle mich deshalb irgendwie anders als sie.

kein junge schaut mich auch nur an, die finden mich wohl nicht attraktiv. (obwohl eig mein gesicht und body schön ist ich bin halt sehr groß) was ich eh verstehen kann, wär ich ein junge würde ich auch lieber kleine mädchen wollen. ich hab angst das ich in meinem leben nie einen mann finden würde deswegen und für immer einsam bin. ich kann mich eif nicht akzeptieren.

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1 year ago

Accept as you are, because you can’t change your size. Don’t worry about your size, you’re beautiful as you are, and size isn’t all and not funny!

Sooner or later, you’ll find a friend who’ll find you perfect as you are. I myself know a 17-year-old girl who is 1.87 meters tall and happy with her boyfriend.

Put yourself in front of the mirror and tell you how beautiful you are with your size.

Being as big as you also has some advantages. You get to a lot of things you wouldn’t get to. Also come in movies from 16 (not that you should do this) have beautiful long legs (most guys find very attractive) and if you increase you don’t see it (if it’s a lot of course already)

Besides, you probably won’t grow much more and if it’s not bad 🙂

I would like to be as big as you.

LG :

1 year ago
Reply to  13edusj


1 year ago

That’s all nonsense! You’re who you are. Nobody can do anything about how big he is. In addition, true beauty comes from the inside

Be content with you and don’t remember what others think about you.

You’re a great person, and that’s what you want. Don’t be sad.

At some point, you will surely find a man

It’s still time

LG Lilly

1 year ago

Hello, I find 1.80 is a very beautiful size and also if someone likes you, then he accepts you no matter how big you are

1 year ago

Hey, I’m so similar that I’m very small. But I have in mind that God/ Allah has created your greatness and instead that you let yourself down, prove to you and the others that you are proud of it. In the end, you can’t do anything about it and anyone who says something about the size or in general about an appearance is just stupid. Accept as you are. I know that sounds easier than it is, but you have to work on it. Good luck!

1 year ago

Hey, just because you’re 1.80 tall doesn’t mean you’re not attractive. Your classmates are probably just intimidated. But as older you become so unimportant is the size of a person.
Most of the time, guys at your age are too immature for a normal relationship.
But that shouldn’t insure you.
I had someone in my class who was 1.85 never disturbed me and my classmates never said anything.

1 year ago

So, I think 180cm is a super size that is model size😊

But at the age I understand that of course because the guys are still all smaller, but that will soon compensate, and then you will see that completely different 🙂


1 year ago

Love don’t make a head I was at your age, so now I am 182cm and also female. At that time it was also a bit more difficult because there weren’t so many big women and that’s why I had to deal with mobbing today it’s more normal that women grow tall. Don’t make a head of big women seem very confident and attractive.
love you 😘

1 year ago

Yes 1,80 is huge for a girl, but in no case unatrable.

In the current time, a new beauty ideal goes round in the social media: As a girl as small as possible, the feeling of being “too big” does not surprise me.

Big girls can also be very flush and there are definitely boys who find bigger girls great. (I also, M23)

Some of these guys will probably be smaller than you, if he still appeals to you, this is of characteric strength and should not be ignored by you. Give him a chance!

1 year ago

Nowadays, many girls are so big. So size does not itch

1 year ago

So you could be a good model. I personally and surely find even more big giant girls especially attractive so you don’t need to worry

1 year ago

You’re very big for a woman and you don’t need to worry about a man, there are enough men who are bigger.

1 year ago

The average female size in Germany is 175cm. So everything

1 year ago
Reply to  ZeitistWichtig

No Bro 1,66 m is average