Billige Telekonverter?
Kennt meiner EF mount 2X Telekonverter die nicht so Teuer sind so ungefähr um die 150-200€aximal kosten gebraucht oder neu das ist egal.
Vielen Dank im Voraus
Kennt meiner EF mount 2X Telekonverter die nicht so Teuer sind so ungefähr um die 150-200€aximal kosten gebraucht oder neu das ist egal.
Vielen Dank im Voraus
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the old EOS series II (1999 to 2009) converters can be purchased from 150€, the TC first series is at 100€. The series II is still the series III for sensors from analog film times and have “setting”/irritating measured values on the test bench but Canon was probably about the edge illumination for the AF sensors from the 20mm circle. Otherwise, the resolution power of the TC III types is good even at the critical 5Ds. In addition, the TCIII have somewhat better transmisson values than TCII.
The EF 70-200/2.8L IS USM II with TC III 2x is, in principle, at the level EF 100-400 L IS USM II, only at the AF speed the converter may eat 1/4th second at the 1Dx.
Then there is the Tokina/Kenko, Sigma, Tamron. There you have to find out exactly what optics they are deaf. Sigma and Tamon are for Sigma or Tamron Tele optics. The Kenko are Universal there are also those useful for normal zooms.
As you know, teleconverters usually deteriorate the image quality, especially in zoom lenses, and especially if they are not specially designed and recommended by the original manufacturer for a specific objective. Cheap teleconverters are a rather bad compromise because they are used for all possible lenses. The original products of Canon are still best.
The already very low light intensity of a zoom is reduced again by 2 diaphragm stages by a 2x converter. A 1:8 -11 lens is then made from a 1:4-5,6 lens! With this, one can only photograph with very high ISO values without shaking. One frequently reads the old rule that the longest possible closing time 1 should be divided by the focal length used, i.e. at 600 mm focal length 1/600 seconds. But with today’s high-resolution sensors, 1/600 sec is far from sufficient to get a blur-free image with a long tele focal length, better would be 1/2000 sec.
2x Teleconverter and then a cheap product, you can just as easily zoom the photo in an image processing program 2x ran. A K.I. Software like Topaz Gigapixels This is likely to provide even better results than the teleconverter.
Most teleconverters make the photo quite soft. And also your maximum diaphragm value is increased by a factor of 2. So if you sneak this behind a lens with any bad light intensity, you’ll get out at f/11 or something.
I’d grab a used Canon TC. Or, depending on the lens manufacturer (i.e. a Sigma TC for a Sigma lens).
Yes, there is.
You should think about it. Things deteriorate image quality. This is especially true for 2x and then “Billigdinger”. Basically, you could crop as well and have a similar or if Cheap TC is a better quality at the end. Somehow it’s money that’s thrown out. Would use a maximum 1.4 TC and then also original product.