Bildschirmzeit von Eltern überwachbar ab einem bestimmten Alter?
Hi, mich würde mal interessieren ob ihr, Mädels und Jungs ab 14 Jahren, eine Elternaufsicht auf dem Handy habt?
Sprich sie sehen, welche Apps du installierst, müssen es gegebenenfalls auch erst genehmigen, sehen, wie lange du am Handy bist dann können es auch einschränken. Findet ihr es gut, wenn ja/nein warum?
On the one hand, I think most of these programs are ineffective, because they are easy to handle, and, on the other hand, they are often excessive when considering how grossly they are cutting into privacy.
I speak of the screen time on iOS devices that is not circumventable to my knowledge
They’re all crisp, but I don’t know how easy this is for children. These are codes with a few places that are not so sure.
I also see that, especially the locating functions, I find totally violent and overwhelming. And I also wonder how much it really does in education when you simply always set an automated limit instead of letting the child learn the right way to do it.
I know an app that monitors all social media channels according to bad words, and one of the bad words is like “bull”, “lesbian” and “trans”. Surprisingly, comes naturally from the conservative USA states.
They have one on the Macke.
I’ve never had anything like that, but I’ve had buddy’s limited the season to 15 or even 16.
My parents still have some kind of control over my phone!!
I need a code to load things down….
But I also have a screen time!!
I think that’s because we have to say our privacy!!
That’s what I feel about you. I feel the same 🙈
I have something like that, but I’m 13.
Find it terrible!
You can monitor what you load down, how long you use what app, and also limit it. In addition, you can also look at how Google does not do, but they might
I am 13, but this year will be 14. Never had a screen time or something like that you’ve described. I’m very happy because you have privacy.