Hi, ich habe schon länger ein kleines Problem mit meinem Bildschirm. Nähmlich Flackert mein Bildschirm unregelmäßig. Dieses Flackert taucht jedoch bisher nur bei YouTube im OperaGx Browser auf. (Treiber sind alle auf dem neusten Stand) Hat jemand eine Antwort? Jedenfalls interessiert mich woran das liegt
There could be various causes for the flickering of your screen. Here are some possible solutions you can try out:
1. Check the settings of your browser: Sometimes certain settings or extensions in the browser can cause flickering. Try to disable all extensions and check the browser settings.
Two. Update the browser: Make sure you have installed the latest version of the OperaGx browser. Sometimes outdated versions can cause problems.
3. Check the hardware: It could also be that there is a defect on your screen or on the graphics card. Try to connect the screen to another device to see if the problem continues.
4. Run a virus scan: Sometimes viruses or malware can cause flickering. Run a thorough virus scan to ensure that your system is free from malware.
5.Check if you set the monitor heart rate in the settings not higher than the monitor it creates.
If none of these solutions resolve the problem, it might be useful to contact the technical support of OperaGx or an IT expert to get further help.
Nicely written with artificial intelligence, Bravo.
Don’t buy reasonable cables cheap scrap. So when it comes to display port. Was the problem too.