Bildschirm kaputt?

Moin, habe mir erst vor einem Monat einen 27 Zoll Curved Monitor gekauft und ihn erst vor ca. 2 Wochen angeschaltet. Jetzt fällt mir dieser Strich in der Mitte des Bildschirms auf. Ist das vielleicht normal oder schon ein Schaden, weshalb ich den Monitor zurückschicken muss?

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1 month ago

In any case, this is a defect!

You should be able to display a contrasting image on which the line is clearly removed from the background. This image is sent to the dealer with the request to repair or exchange. The dealer should then tell you how he will handle this matter.

Either a fitter comes to you, or you have to bring the monitor back. Hope you have the original packaging?

At the same time (probably as a backup) you should also contact the support on the manufacturer’s side of the monitor and ask for help. Probably this will refer you back to the dealer, but you have proof of the date of the damage notice. If there are legal problems, you can at least prove a time-limit for your part.