Bildschirm Funktioniert nicht?
Ich habe meinen Laptop über einen Usb port mit meinem Bildschirm (VGA Anschluss) verbunden, aber der Bildschirm empfängt kein Signal. (An dem HDMI Anschluss ist meine Ps4 angeschlossen)
Ich habe meinen Laptop über einen Usb port mit meinem Bildschirm (VGA Anschluss) verbunden, aber der Bildschirm empfängt kein Signal. (An dem HDMI Anschluss ist meine Ps4 angeschlossen)
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Check the above points to ensure that everything is correctly set up. If the problem still exists, it could be on a defective adapter or cable. Sources:,,, and
Thank you.
USB-C only works with digital connections, not with VGA. So if you have a DP-capable USB port on the laptop, it would only work with DP or HDMI. Or do you have an adapter in there?
I connected him directly to my laptop. I can’t say if my laptop has such a connection. Besides, I don’t have an adapter in between.
So if you’ve used a VGA port on the laptop, you’ve switched the laptop to the external screen? There are usually 3 modes, only internal screen, only external BS or both BS. I just don’t have the key combo, definitely the Fn button and one of the F buttons, but should be recognizable at the icon on the button.
I remember that was something with such an attitude. I didn’t think about it.
I think that your laptop also has HDMI or DisplayPort and the USB port is only for data means no image. Unless you have an usb-c connection that is also for the screen transfer, which I do not suspect.
My laptop has no Usb-C connection and the HDMI connection is broken.
That’s bad, then let him fix because without him it is not possible
USB, VGA, HDMI, laptop and are you talking about your PS4?
Please explain how you connected something and what doesn’t work.
I have two ports on my HDMI and VGA screen. The Ps4 is connected to the HDMI port. The laptop is connected to the VGA port and the cable leading to the laptop is plugged into a USB port.