Bildschirm fehler?

Habe ein 34 zoll bildschirm, habe ihn vorgestern gereinigt [normal] und heute aber erst wieder angemacht. Nun hab ich 2 Schattierungen, (streifen ) die dunkler sind. Siehe Bild. Weiß zufällig jemand ob man das so reparieren kann ? Wo dran es liegen könnte.

Siehe Bild

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8 months ago

There was obviously something happening during cleaning that damaged the display. You can still try to press something on the screen to see if it gets better. If not: New monitor, realistically seen a repair to acceptable costs is not feasible.

8 months ago

Hi, can liquid have reached the monitor when cleaning?

This looks like an entire contact bar is affected.

If there is no guarantee, you can procure your luck in a repair cafe.

8 months ago

Is probably a screen from the initial time of local dimming. Looks like two of these dimming zones were damaged in the backlight.

Can you ask the manufacturer if it is repairable, but depending on the design, the entire panel has to be changed, which costs almost as much as a new screen.