Bilder Herunterladen, Canon Ixus 70?

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

Ich habe mir vor kurzem eine Canon ixus 70 bei kleinanzeigen gekauft. Leider verstehe ich nicht ganz wie ich Bilder davon auf mein Iphone oder Tablett herunterladen/überspielen kann. Weiß einer von euch wie das geht oder welches Equipment ich dafür bräuchte? Ich kenne mich mit sowas leider nicht gut genug aus. Vielen Dank im Voraus für eure Hilfe 🫶🏼

Im Anhang sind Bilder der Kamera, falls das hilft 🙂

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1 month ago

two possibilities:

a) remove memory card and transfer it to a tablet, notebook or pc conventionally with a card reader adapter

b) per usb if the camera has an usb port. that does not work with Apple hardware, but only with windows and android

also version a) does not go directly with an iphone or ipad. for this you need the aid itunes and icloud

1 month ago

Actually, this should not be a problem, usually it is connected via USB to a Windows computer without any problems.

Apple is always such a thing.

Look here:

1 month ago

There is no theme with an SD card adapter.

Simply take the memory card out of the Kamaera and put it in the adapter, you can then close it to your tablet. If you speak of an older iPad, you may need to consider a solution to the problem with the Lightning Connection.

1 month ago

Why do you buy a 20-year-old camera that will make bad pictures as your phone?

Like the others, get SD card readers that are compatible with your iPhone.

1 month ago
Reply to  Elena890E

You can also make retro images with your smartphone.

So you’re just trying to buy you a “fair buy.”

For in a few years you will be angry that you have not held the “beautiful moments” in better quality.