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1 year ago


Sure, you could do that and you’d just make sense to sell something. But you can never know it and you have nothing to lose. I also had an art account but didn’t sell anything there, but only presented it.

Hope it works with you 🙂

1 year ago

From a technical point of view, there is nothing against it and many do it. Great is that you don’t have any issues with an Instagram account. On Instagram, however, you need a little scope to stumble other people about your art. At the beginning, you should share a lot of your art and provide meaningful hashtags to find many fans/followers. In the long term, this definitely makes sense, especially if your art is good!

1 year ago

naja, instagram is ne platform to share pictures. no shop. You have neither a basket nor a payment system. etsy is a shop. then how do you want to receive the orders? per message? could be cumbersome, but basically goes naturally.

1 year ago

You will only get spam

1 year ago

why not