Bild zuschneiden auf … cm. Mit welchem Programm?

Ich habe mit Snippingtool (Win10) Bilder ausgeschnitten in verschiedenen größen. Nun möchte ich die alle auf 20x30cm (BxH) ausdrucken. Und dazu eben vorher auf die größe schneiden oder zerren. Aber das Lineal bei Paint (Win10) ist nicht in cm? Oder?

Wenn ihr ein programm habt mit dem ich es zuschneiden kann bitte name oder gar Link zum Download.

Vielen Dank im vorraus.

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1 year ago

Try the online Photoshop Klon Photopea:

Photopea | Online Photo Editor

However, I can tell you now that a screen copy is much smaller than 20x30cm, you need to zoom neatly larger, especially if you want to print it out with 300dpi.

Select image, image size, then enter 300dpi and then adjust the size in cm. It is enough if you enter the measure of the long page, the short page is calculated depending on the aspect ratio of the image.

1 year ago
Reply to  Artur712

But don’t wonder if it looks printed out afterwards.

1 year ago

I’m not quite sure, but if you go to print on a picture on Windows 10, you can cut it.

Or maybe with Word: You set the paper view on original size (can just hold a sheet of paper in A4 in front of the display and then zoom to such an extent that it fits), mark 20x30cm and then print it.

If you want to print it at dm or Rossman with instant print, you can also set it there. Cut or something.

Last idea/proposal from me: I cut my photos with GIMP, since after you open the program you can go to the top left on file and “new”, you can enter the size. Then drag your image into GIMP and cut it with the scaling tool. Find in the tab with tools on the top right.

Hope I could help.

LG Anton