Bild kann nicht gelöscht werden?
Habe ein bild runtergeladen… kann es nicht verschieben oder löschen weil es angeblich in benutzung ist… erst bei com surgate… Ich habe das geschlossen und jetzt meint es das es in bilder geöffnet ist (Der prozess ist nicht an) WAS JETZT?!
Further methods for deletion of files are:
With these options, virtually any file can be deleted.
force-beende the images app with task manager
you can also restart your device, then no program should access the file~
The process does not exist!
Is nothing in the task manager. I’m afraid to restart XD
OMG I had to open the pictures app with what else to make it force… thanks XD
The photo is probably used by another running process. Restart the PC and delete it directly after restarting without opening it before.
Restart system. Then all programs that claim to the file should be closed. Alternatively boot in the secure mode of Windows.
Write a batch file:
copy the to the car start folder and restart the PC. Then delete the batch file.
Many questions are open here:
I think my photo app (Standart windows) borked… Now everything goes normal… after I could close it… thought it was a virus ne normal jpg.. the page was sus though
A tip for this answer: Make yourself understandable and don’t try to prove to me how cring is as a teenager.
restart pc, then delete image