Bier trinken?
weiß jemand warum ich Bier nicht mag ich würde gerne welche trinken aber es schmeckt mir einfach net woran liegt das alle meinen man muss sich dran gewöhnen aber irgendwie funktioniert das net
weiß jemand warum ich Bier nicht mag ich würde gerne welche trinken aber es schmeckt mir einfach net woran liegt das alle meinen man muss sich dran gewöhnen aber irgendwie funktioniert das net
Bin 16 gebe mir jedes Wochenende die Kante. Ist das normal 😂
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I don’t see any compulsion of finding beer. There are so many delicious other drinks.
Maybe if it’s so important for you to drink beer, try a porter. This is a dark, malty and really sweet beer.
Gives a tasty of stunners and Lausitzer.
Beer is available in a variety of variants. Try with Stoutbier, Black Beer, Bright, Yeast Wheat, Pils, Ale Beer (Red Ale or Pale Ale), Maisbier, Bockbier, WInterbier or the Altbier. if this does not taste cocktails or better still a really good single malt whisky
Why you don’t like it can be the taste. Try other, even unusual varieties. I like beer, but I’m sure I don’t like all kinds. I’m very picky.
And what is it, there are also other delicious drinks.
Why do you want something that doesn’t taste you? This is quite a brain crack, especially since it is also a getraenk that is not known for its health-producing properties.
There are many people who don’t taste beer. That’s not exactly odd.
Why do you want to learn to like beer?
Keep drinking malt beer if you want to drink beer with foam crown.
Please don’t let friends or society put you under pressure to like beer.
Malzbier is dark
Many other beers too.
Eben, normal Beers that are dark. 😆
these are varieties.
Beers that were brewed according to the purity bid go from light yellow to black.
These are all “normal beers”, what should be abnormal on a March or a Bockbier?
that are not normal beers. a normal beer is yellow
I don’t like beer, I generally don’t like the taste of alcohol. And if it is, it doesn’t matter, you don’t have to force it. It’s not like beer is vital or healthy.
you can get used to be.
I was right about 16 years ago.
Now with 24 it is far from my favorite drink, but I rarely buy one. Meanwhile, I’m always letting some Cola in.
If you really want to get used to it, I recommend you use mixed beer. For example Radler, V+ Cola or V+ Lemon.
Why would you drink beer if you don’t taste it? Did the other Getraenke go out?
If you don’t like beer, you shouldn’t drink.
Children don’t like beer. As soon as you grow up, you’ll like beer.
Many adults don’t like beer
Then it’s not adults. Just because you’re 18, you’re not suddenly grown up.
I’ll let you believe who needs 😆
So I had nothing to do with it, and it doesn’t shake me if I drink a beer.
I’m obviously more mature than you!
At 42, I consider myself a growing one. 😏
That you do not like beer is a natural protective reaction because it is bitter and our brain is trained on it that is bitterly dangerous.
So you have to train yourself to like beer, and there’s not every bump on it.
I never drank beer
But malt beer
Your taste buds are responsible.