BF17 beantragt aber erst mit 18 bestanden, wo Führerschein?
Hallo Leute
Ich habe heute meinen Führerschein bestanden, einen antrag habe ich ein halbes jahr zuvor gestellt für den BF17, jetzt hab ich jedoch erst mit 18 bestanden, verfällt der antrag deswegen und ich muss einen neuen stellen, oder bekomme ich den Führerschein zugeschickt?
Formular des antrags werde ich verlinken.
Antrag Begleitetes Fahren mit 17, Erweiterung, Verlängerung.pdf
We have to pick up the driver’s license at the driver’s station.
Maybe you just call it.
The problem is that you don’t even report, you call several times the day sitting in the waiting loop until it comes down by yourself. Driving position is also not close to 80-90km. And at the BF17 request, I had crossed that the appearance was sent to the house.
No the application does not fall, you will get the “right” driving licence.
what did the examiner say? you got something from him, can be that you have to appear personally at the driving station
have received a test confirmation with which I must not drive, have delivered the note in the town house and which forward it to the driver’s office. Only is my problem I’ve already submitted an application, I don’t know if it’s outrageous?