Bewerbungsgespräch Verwaltungsfachangestellter?
Hi, ich habe letztens eine Einladung zu einem Bewerbungsgespräch für die Ausbildung zum Verwaltungsfachangestellten bei einer Stadt bekommen.
Ich bin gerade dabei mich auf dieses Gespräch vorzubereiten und mir einiges an Wissen diesbezüglich anzueignen, jedoch steht nirgends welches Amt was genau macht.
Es wäre sehr hilfreich wenn jemand der sich auskennt vielleicht ein paar Beispiele zu den jeweiligen Ämtern hätte, einfach damit ich mir den Ablauf genauer vorstellen kann.
Allgemeine Verwaltung.
Recht, Sicherheit, Ordnung.
Schule und Kultur.
Soziales, Jugend, Gesundheit.
Ach und hätte jemand evtl noch nützliche Tipps für eine Gruppenaufgabe die man dort kriegt?
Vielleicht hat ja jemand von euch in den letzten Jahren ein Bewerbungsgespräch in dieser Richung hinter sich und könnte mir ein paar Tipps dazu geben.
Ich bin für jeden Tipp dankbar 🙂
have also learned from a city. is different from city to city, at my were the themes of offices:
place right – unfortunately I cannot safely transfer sorry
General administration. – estimately something like personal administration, it, personal council,… all about internal processes
Finance. – regulates all the finances of the city e.g. budget, cash, taxes
Right, security, order. – Order Office – there’s something like the classic one that you know with penalty cards, but also exhibit weapons licenses, radar controls, Corona time the isolation decisions were created here
School and culture. – takes care of all administrative matters of the schools (that they get their budget for digitalization, events that are organized, urban, education, …)
Social, youth, health. – takes care of jugendtreffs, kindergartens, help for families, starting points for people with problems.
Construction. – building permits, property administrations, urban construction measures,…
Environment. – takes care that the city becomes climate neutral, that green areas are created, …
view the individual offices on the homepage of the city. there are usually always the thematic focuses and what they do
Group tasks that you normally get there are not very specific. Probably a presentation has to be created about something that goes 3 min or so. either you get them and info material you look at and work out or you can think about a thema. in such tasks it is about seeing if you can work in a team, quickly and carefully. usually the exact content is not so important
Wow thanks for this detailed text that has actually helped me to understand the whole thing better:)
In fact, I looked at the offices on the side and there were only, for example, new statutes on certain topics that I could not start too much, so the question here.
I would not have expected such a detailed and helpful answer, now I can definitely start with it more.
Thanks again!