Bewerbungsgespräch hat einfach demoralisiert?

Guten Tag,

Ich möchte vorab bitten, dass ihr ehrlich seid und eure Erfahrung mal schildert.

Ich bin Informatikstudent an der RWTH Aachen. Bin schon fast mit Bachelor durch und muss leider feststellen, dass ich praktisch kaum programmieren kann.

Heute hatte ich ein sehr unvernünftiges Bewerbungsgespräch, wo ich fast die Fassung verloren habe und einfach nur verlassen wollte, weil mir das persönlich ansehnlich wegen hoher Arroganz auf den Sack ging. Der Arbeitgeber kam erstmal zu spät, hat mir den Gesprächsablauf “gelehrt”, eine komische Frage gestellt und danach fing die ganze Sache an:

Warum ist dein Zeugnis nicht gut genug? Warum hast du in dem Fach eine 4 wobei das nur Karteikarten lernen ist? Da hatten wir aber Leute die besser sind als du.

Gott sei Dank war die Redezeit auch vorbei, weil ich war ein Schritt davor zu verlassen.

Jedoch hat mich das Gespräch dazu tendiert NOCH mehr in meine Schwächen reinzuarbeiten sowohl zeitlich als auch finanziell. Seelisch dagegen hasse ich nun mein Traumberuf nach diesem Gespräch.

Meine ersten Fragen würde ich gerne nun stellen:

1. Was ist der Sinn eines Arbeitsgebers einen Bewerber arrogant so niederzustellen für 13€/h und aus einem Zeugnis eine Show drauszumachen? Zukünftig werde ich meinen Zeugnis niemanden herausgeben auch wenn von mir verlangt wird.

2. Gibt es normale und vernünftige Stellen mit viel Herz, wo man zumindest das Programmieren beigebracht wird? Auf Stepstone sind zum Teil Voraussetzungen, die einem Vollzeitjobber gleichgestellt sind. Meinentwegen kann ich unter Mindestlohn arbeiten hauptsache mir wird anständig und stresslos programmieren beigebracht.

3. Sind Bewerbungsgespräche mehrheitlich wirklich so assozial? Derzeit hatte ich 4 davon 3 schienen in Ordnung jedoch nicht das was ich suche.

Vielen Dank im Voraus.

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4 months ago

In the application process, the documents are your work sample, and the certificate is the only proof of your qualification (independent on your own claims).

We do not have your resume and your letter here (of course) but your questions and the presentation of the interview you have written make me thinkful. Just as you express yourself in writing and measure what you report about the course of the conversation and about your reactions to the allegations expressed, you are raising serious doubts about your suitability. I’m sorry I can’t give you better information, but you wouldn’t be helped with eyewitness.

It is not forbidden to get help when preparing the documents. Let someone whose competence is undisputed in writing texts go through everything very thoroughly before you send it. Later, as a computer scientist, it will get more to other things, you will also get through with some bumper formulations. You don’t want to get in there as an advertising writer or writer.

Something else: It is not their task to be arrogant and to shut you down. But it’s not their job to make all applicants happy. You have a job to occupy, to find the three most suitable candidates for this and to sort out the others, also making a bit of advertising for your own company. It seems to have been a good thing for them…

You don’t want to be sorted out? Then take any doubts about your suitability! Prepare a plausible answer that explains why your witness looks like it now. If there are other obstacles, e.g. irregularities in the CV, lack of programming knowledge etc., a suitable explanation has also been provided. Look for someone you trust, and practice the smooth handling of critical demands. You’ll see, the third time you get your answers a lot more convincing.

Finally, one more tip: forget the questions you have listed! Better put your energy in an attempt to learn as much as possible about the company and your contacts! This brings you closer to a good job because you have many points of contact in the job interview.

Good luck!

4 months ago

Because they have no respect. They want the best of the best and in the end they don’t find anyone. This is typical of training. Because of this arrogance, we have these problems in Germany.


4 months ago
Reply to  vikiller01

Me too!

4 months ago
Reply to  Fortnitelol27

Nöö, he can’t even be German. When he talks like he writes, he’s long looking for a job.

4 months ago
Reply to  Htdd1

So for me, someone who spends hours reading every day is not so tragic. You understand his question. He’s just emotional. Feeling. He’s excited, that’s human. So little empathy, show compassion.


4 months ago
Reply to  Fortnitelol27


4 months ago

You make it hard for yourself. You try to circumvent the necessary requirements and trick those who have made it better. I write about a.Galaxy S21+. The spelling errors do not come from the auto correction that would have corrected it.

4 months ago

Should he get a training because he feels his education or because his education is there?

4 months ago

Maybe you’re the problem and not the opposite.

You can hardly program yourself. You could be too high.

Many employers have a strategy for job interviews. Your counterpart has put you under pressure with an insignificant note. He just wanted to know how your reaction is. Since you almost lost the version, it was the wrong reaction. His knowledge – not stressable.

You should work on you for future job interviews and argue sober and objectively.

Your mind, in the future no one gets to see my testimony, the mind is just too childish. You’d better think about how to argue a bad note.

4 months ago
Reply to  vikiller01

I wish you a lot of fun at other interviews, you didn’t understand anything. No one waits for candidates like you, but you want something from a company, a job. In an interview you don’t get the rules. That’s life.

4 months ago

You don’t understand anything, you can do without employees of your quality.

4 months ago

You could still fly at your frustration tolerance, but otherwise that’s something.

4 months ago

Many AG like to play games and see how far they can go. I still find the question of notes okay, but the way is very degrading and arrogant.

Don’t let such AG pull you down, it’s not all that.