Bewerbungsfoto für Lebenslauf wie machen?
Bei einem Bewerbungsfoto für Lebenslauf, wie mach ich es?
Hemd tragen? knopf oben offen?
T shirt tragen?
Tipps bitte
Bei einem Bewerbungsfoto für Lebenslauf, wie mach ich es?
Hemd tragen? knopf oben offen?
T shirt tragen?
Tipps bitte
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comes to the profession. want to do what in the area office, finance, etc. then rather formally with highly attached shirt and tie. if you want to be in the craftsmanship, social, etc. area then can also be somewhat more casual. Main thing well maintained, nice smile and a neutral background
wear shirt and make up, so no leisure shirt.
This should show your face completely and the background should not be too obvious.
Always let the photographer make and with a shirt, button, and Sakko you are always well advised, no matter what profession.
Shirt is a good choice, depending on the industry either with open or closed button. If you feel more comfortable, a simple t-shirt in some professions can also be okay, but for most jobs a shirt or Sakko is the better choice.
If you don’t want to do the photo yourself or don’t want to visit a photographer, you can also find AI tools. For invites selfies high and can choose different outfits – the result looks quite professional and saves time.
Do best dress shirt on but not so crazy shirt but reasonable zb white or black or dark blue, and up to and background white should not be noticeable.
Shirt, buttons to, background: white, neutral view, apply portrait function on the mobile radio. Or let the photographer do it.
It is best to wear what you would wear in everyday work or what would be appropriate for an interview.
If you do the photo yourself, look at a clear background (so no sofa or picture behind you and no toilet at all), the lighting must be good and you have to look directly into the camera and smile easily (professional).
You’re welcome with a shirt and casual.