Bewerbung für eine Stelle ohne Berufserfahrung?


Macht es Sinn, sich für eine Stelle zu bewerben, wo mehrjährige Berufserfahrung gefordert wird, aber man selbst ein Berufseinsteiger ist?

Sollte man dennoch sein Glück versuchen oder ist das die komplette Zeit-/Energieverschwendung?

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11 months ago

Take a look at the tasks in this place and check for yourself, whether you can really fully fulfill them, in full depth and width!

There are still (too many) companies that are looking for urgent wool-milk skins in their job advertisements and who are placing completely covered demands on the actual tasks in the circumstances. So, it would be really great for the employer if he would find someone who has been working at the reception for 20 years and has been involved in a jerk. But that does not mean that you need 20 years of professional experience for work at reception…

This is exactly how there are companies that really formulate their requirements specifically and for good reason. So, where they really fit the respective place. For example, for a position with leadership responsibility, you really need a few years of experience in professional life in the field before you can really meet this leadership responsibility towards other people. Or even when it comes to more complex tasks, where you need not only the corresponding expertise, but also some insights, such as a company “works” as a whole and where interfaces, dependencies or potential problems might be lurking in these tasks. Or also, where the corresponding specialist knowledge is not necessarily a central part of the training or studies, but only gradually comes in the job.

11 months ago

You can always apply. But if an employee is looking for many years of professional experience, then the chances for a career starter are not so high. Just try and write an application. Good luck.

11 months ago

Job alerts are often wishful to Santa Claus.

One should already go about in the direction but roughly 6 out of 10 points would be sufficient to try to apply.

There are certainly also companies who are looking for but they don’t have that long wish list.

You have a training as a mechanic under 20 with 6 years of relevant professional experience, speak Japanese and Hindu and have shaken at least 3 formula 1 riders once the hand? Then you’re right with us….

Is such a classic wish list example.

If someone makes the trouble in “you have” and “you have optional/ideally different” you should try to meet the “you have” points (if there are 2 or 3 and not 7 or 8).

But even if you have the desired 3 years or only 2 is not necessarily the leg break factor.

11 months ago

If you’re lucky, they’ll get you at least for a job interview because no one else reports, but as a rule it’s explicitly mentioned in job advertisements, even if cross-comers are welcome.

11 months ago

Depending on what the specific wording is: if several years of professional experience is explicitly required, it will be nothing. If it’s only desirable, you have chances.

11 months ago

Try to make smart.

If they don’t find anyone with professional experience, they might be using someone without professional experience.

11 months ago

As you have already read, the company is looking for only workers who have knowledge in the field. You can already apply and try if the company can give you the chance. But then you won’t be wondering why you get a rejection very quickly or don’t hear any answer from him. Some companies just want to have people who also have experience and run around the shop. For beginners you need to look elsewhere