Bewerbung als Justizbeschäftigte / Quereinsteigerin in Berlin?
Die Berliner Justiz sucht gerade wieder / immer noch Leute mit abgeschlossener ReNo-Ausbildung als Justizbeschäftigte in einer Serviceeinheit. Hat das jemand schon gemacht? Wie sind die Erfahrungen bei Gericht? Und, da ich mich gerade beworben habe, wie läuft so ein Bewerbungsgespräch ab?
Danke für Eure Antworten!
My ma works at the OLG (NRW). In their department, there are also many cross-comers.
What court (AG, LG…)?
What’s in the description? Only service unit? Activities?
If you are interested in you (so it is with your authority), there is a test or just a conversation. One asks you, among other things, for motivation and various other (strengths, what would you do in the situation X etc.) and indeed for court-related topics.
Then you will be decided and you will receive a commitment or cancellation soon. There are also waiting lists. If you’re looking for it, the contract will come if you want it.
The work is also often stressful, but you are basically inconvenient after the trial period, are well paid and have a safe job. What more do you want?!