Bettwäsche zu groß?
ich hab da mal eine Frage bzw ein Problem. Ich habe eine Bettdecke mit den Maßen 155×200 und habe mir nun bei Ikea Bettwäsche im selben Maß gekauft. Trotz 2x bei 60° waschen und trotz 2x in den Trockner packen ist sie immer noch gefühlt 100m zu groß. Hat jemand Tipps? Würde nächstes mal 140×200 versuchen aber dadurch ist die jetzige ja immer noch zu groß ;(
you write 155×200!!! this is a very rare size – is the ceiling / the bed linen 155×220??? That would be a standard measure – and then it could be that both parts, so or so, do not fit one another. And make smaller: any change cutting (or creative self-matching) changes that in 5 minutes…
Both ceiling and cover are 155×200
Hello Mara,
I would certainly not try it with 140 cm,
will be the next mall.
If there is 140 cm at all – normal would be 135 cm.
IKEA often fails to correct measurements, just forget
the club and rather buy German qualities.
Where did you buy the blanket and you got it
this one already.
Avoid purchases that come in the long term
only cause trouble.
opi venerable
PS: You can get to the exact details with a seamstress
Sew size.
Thank you. The bedcloth is credible by Aldi. According to shield, the ceiling is 1.55. Retrospect is a good idea. Ikea also has 1.40m. Closer would also be an idea!
höhö, thank you for the future tip! I’m just sitting here with an Ikea duvet cover that should have been fit by the measurements and just inform me about the possible. Sew
Small sewing