Bed bugs, shingles or something else?
Hello everyone,
During the night from Thursday to Friday, I woke up and suddenly had many red spots (like bites) on a spot on my back (more on the side). The spots burn/itch and are uncomfortable when they come into contact with clothing. Otherwise, I occasionally get a red spot/pimple somewhere, but I've never thought anything of it, as it's "normal" for me.
Anyway, I've never had anything like this before, and while Googling, I came across bed bug bites, but I'm not sure. I've never seen bed bugs or any skin shells before, but I've never really paid much attention.
However, I recently came across some kind of rash or shingles, but I just don't know. Currently, I'm getting chapped corners of my mouth more often. Could it be that my immune system is weakened?
Every now and then I go to the solarium (yes, it's bad, I know), but the last time I was there was on Tuesday and after that there was nothing and never before.
If anyone knows, I would be happy to hear about possible causes.
Based on your description and the pictures, a belt rose is most likely to be safe. Here on the net I prefer to avoid absolute statements. If you were my patient, I would have made the diagnosis.
Bed bugs are actually excluded, which do not focus on one place and their stitches should not burn.
I would recommend that you visit the emergency service tomorrow (Tel. 116117). There you will probably be prescribed a painkiller and a solution that inhibits itching when the diagnosis is confirmed. Antiviral therapy makes sense only within the first 72h after the appearance of the rash.
Consider that belt rose is contagious. Especially dangerous for children and pregnant women. Good hand hygiene and separate towels when you live with others.
This is belt rose. I exclude bedbugs. There are bubbles to see, these are typical of belt roses. In addition, the environment of the bubbles is also roasted, which would be untypical in bed bug stitches. Bed bug stitches occur more often in spatial proximity to each other. But that would be an unusually high number of stitches in this case.
Lotio Alba is suitable for local therapy, and pain aids. If a virostatic could be administered.
Good improvement!
If it’s really painful, I’ll tap belt rose.
Ask a doctor again.
He’ll tell you a lotion to dry out the bubbles.
I would not take a virostatic in this case. But you have to decide for yourself. With me, the girdle rose was above the eye, and my vision nerve could have hurt. That’s why I took it.
Look at the matraze under the matraze at the bed frame for bedbugs. Look at google as they look.