Bettnässen bei Erwachsenen?

hello 🙂 ich (23w) hab in letzter zeit das problem, dass ich ab und zu nachts ins bett mache. ist in den letzten 4 monaten jetzt 3x passiert und ich weiß nicht so recht, woran das liegen könnte? ich trink abends nicht krass viel, generell wenig alkohol, keine medikamente außer der pille und hatte da auch als kind nie ein problem mit…ist ein recht unangenehmes thema, um es mal in einer konversation aufzubringen, aber vielleicht hat jemand von euch damit erfahrung oder kann mir was dazu sagen? gerade weil es vergleichsweise “selten” passiert aber dann doch deutlich öfter als normal. danke 🙂

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1 year ago

Hello orange juice457,

Here the society does a lot so that such a topic is never addressed, the people who are concerned would still be geniused and marginalized.

The medicine is more open – and speaks professionally of an Enuresis Nocturna: so much that it gets wet at night.

The causes can be physically and mentally – and it would begin to examine the subject at a*r*m Urolog*in.

A weakness in the basin floor is possible, so that the water – as I like to say – does not let itself be conscious at night and just flow away. In psychic causes, the subconscious with a “hello, there is what I want to get rid of” would give the water itself the go.

The moments seem rather rare, as you say. But then it will always be wet in bed. Here you could use a pad for the water. There’s something like that in the medical trade. You can use the support for a time when it has not yet made water. You can put them under bed sheets – at best the sheets would be wet, but no longer the matraze.

It is therefore – before a treatment brings an improvement of the situation – the question of where with the water. And there are these documents very well suited to take all the water.

If it’s not about a whole water session but small quantities, you can wear inserts for the water that are suitable for these quantities in a slip. When it comes to larger amounts of water, the briefs for the water – Inko-Slips – would be an alternative.

Best regards

1 year ago

No, that shouldn’t happen – otherwise there’s something wrong with you.

I wouldn’t talk to the family doctor or the Urologen.

1 year ago
Reply to  orangensaft457

It’s better. That’s not normal – there’s something wrong.

1 year ago

That’s not normal at all.

I’d go to the doctor.

1 year ago

Hello go to the doctor, recommend getting a mattress pad and dress a diaper at night,