Bettler mault Frau an, weil sie ihn dafür kritisiert?
Folgende Situation: da saß ein normal aussehnder renter auf der Bank, mit eine Schild wo drauf stand “Bitte Spende, ich habe hunger” daraufhin kam eine Frau zu ihm und sagte: Wieso gehen sie denn nicht zur Tafel wenn sie hunger haben? Und der Bettler schrie sie an: Wissen sie ich habe hier ein Problemchen, und zwar solche Leute wie sie! Und dann ging die Frau weg…
Wie findet ihr dieses Verhalten von dem Mann und der Frau? Gerechtfertigt oder nicht? Für mich sind beide auf ihre art dreist.
Both have not tackled with fame, but the woman seems to have hit a winding point.
That’s why no one would be sad. With us nearby there is often a man who always greets kindly, whether you give him something or just a smile. He’s really happy when he gets a hot drink or what to eat.
The other day, I gave him a sleeping bag, he didn’t come out of the thanks anymore.
The woman is obviously not aware that they have not opened like a shop every day. Here in the place just Fridays. The well-meaning advice is very little for me on a Wednesday.
How can you know that if you don’t rely on such help?
Only those who have to do professionally with the boards know that.
My daughter-in-law worked as a social educator at SKM, then at some point he no longer had the behaviour of alcoholics. Now she works in an area where child-rich families are supported.
If you ask people such questions in need, you can also inform yourself. And think. And show empathy! Who thinks a little is that many homeless people have serious problems. For example, mentally ill and therefore particularly sensitive.
Kindly respectful handling is important, especially to those who are in need.
And the information about tables on site is on the Internet. And that one needs certificates of need and money to get there something can also come to know. Tickets also cost money.
Sure, maybe it was meant well, she wanted to give him a hint. But the type of question can quickly trigger something!
No, I’ve seen reports more often in the media about it in the newspaper, the information is easily accessible.
As far as I know, you also have to pay an amount (at least a small one), so he also needs money. Both sides were overcrowded and had no understanding of each other.
It’s a difficult situation. Talking to a begging person can touch something in him, which hurts him very much. On the one hand, he is generally reminded of his situation. And then it may be that he is not able to organize his life. For most tables, you need a certificate of validity, and also 1 or 2 euros. If he doesn’t make it to the office, or was badly treated there, he will be reminded of his winding point.
And from Dokus I know that people on the street are often insulted or taught. There are friendly words important.
He’s obviously in an emergency situation, at least it looks like it. He should be kindly addressed. “Why don’t they go to the table” sounds a bit insane. And the answer can contain something he doesn’t want to talk to her, a strange person. It can therefore also be a very personal question from his point of view.
Normal? Maybe he just got a dress donation. Like someone often doesn’t say anything about him having money.
His irritated answer can have many causes, and I find the ones I mentioned comprehensible.
The board does not spread to any distress. The table and other relief associations establish a class society of poverty. That’s what many of them answer.
There’s one with us who only has basic security, and that’s why we’re smiling.
The fact that he has such a low pension is due to the refugees from 2015 onwards. Of course, that he had never worked properly and only referred to social assistance, he conceals.
Whoever was healthy and could have worked, must have built a lot of crap if he doesn’t feel so good at age.
I can understand that the woman reacted like that.
Because I wrote in a comment that we sell our bastel articles for the SKM heat room, of which a photo does not work in the comments:
in some places the board does not have enough for everyone.
She escalated the situation.
I can tell you a similar story
That was a couple of years ago when I lived in Berlin
I drove with the U railway and a (apparently) homeless came in…
As you know, he asked all “Please have some money, I’m hungry and so on”
It was so at Christmas time
A woman grabbed her handbag and pulled out a bag and wanted to give her to the beggar in the words “Here they have a few self-baked cookies”
The beggar threw the bag on the ground and boiled “I wanted money!”
well since I am very concerned WEM I give something
Just because of such people you should not give anything
One makes a mistake, everyone should suffer? Collective penalty for all in need? Seriously?
No, a fatal conclusion. If you’re on the other side, then all people are stupid? What is that logic?
I’ve seen how one swept his “Bettel-Gilde” and then ran away with his thick Mercedes. Since then I have always looked at the “Bettlers” very closely.
Some people get something from me, but I know 100% of them that they don’t belong to the “Bettel-Gilde” from Southeast Europe.
Either I bring feed for their dog, for example, or ask what is needed.
That’s why I always ask. They usually want a shampoo or tooth cream, for example.
That’s why I always ask. They usually want a shampoo, shower gel or toothpaste, for example. In the vicinity there is an emergency sleeping place where homeless people can shower, the SKM heat room is not too far away. (This is also possible on foot.)
That’s good.
But in general, it is often so that begging people can do anything without knowing if they can. Cookies contain, for example, sugar and usually also white flour. A diabetics can’t do that! It can even kill him. Burger and Pizza as well, fruit is incompatible with allergy sufferers
And always think: Even homeless people need money, e.g. for a ticket.
The question of the woman as a help is absolutely OK and also not reprehensible, which the beggar might not know or so, so she certainly meant it only well. The reaction from opposite to her is not okay but here will certainly be the problem that there is no alcohol or other looking for satisfaction options at the table. This is what most beggars want without permanent residence.
There is support for homeless people, but they only have to adhere to certain rules, which many do not want. Most zores are available because no alcohol can be consumed in the heat room.
We sell for SKM, especially for their heat room, at various events our articles, mainly doll clothing made of fabric residues.
And many cannot. Don’t be so one-sided. Psychoticians are often completely in their world. Drug addicts too. So it’s not that easy!
And no one has to donate anything to anyone if he doesn’t want to.
Your question is okay because she obviously doesn’t understand. As always, the sound makes the music.
His answer could definitely have been quieter and more decent.
Woman: obsessive. If he doesn’t get proof of it, he’ll have to eat at the table. Or he doesn’t get a promotion certificate and doesn’t come to board despite admission. What’s the matter with the lady?
Man: disrespectful. He could have said quietly: that’s not why I can’t go to the table.
It’s at the end of the month, there can be all the money.
Not everyone is listed on the board.
Perhaps the pensioner had a special edition this month that the money was rather gone.
The behavior of the woman was slightly superior, she could have ignored him.
There’s no cheap vodka at the table.
There’s no way he wants him. And alcoholics need their level, otherwise they come to life-threatening withdrawal. If, for example, he’s waiting for a deprivation place and he’s only on it in a couple of weeks, will he be scared?
However, there are really those who make it from their drug addiction and have been dry alcoholics for decades.
One of them is engaged in the volunteer service of our city. He only recently had his 50-year-old without alcohol.
Unnecessary situation, both wrong behavior
Well, the woman was overhanded. Who knows what the reason for the pensioner’s problem is? The Council with the board is also little helpful, because it cannot know whether it can go there at all, most of the boards are currently very overloaded and some are not currently accepting any new pickups.
safe pensioner, he has his income.
a homeless does not, and for the board, they need a certificate
The registration certificate for the board was, for example, very easy to obtain at our board.
One had to prove that one has no or only very low income. This required the submission of about three months of account statements, or another official proof. There are also people who don’t have an account.
The fact that there are also people who trick unharmed, unfortunately occurs, but these are really very few.
senile pensioner… demenz kicks soon.
the woman just wanted to help.
You know. Well-meaning advice that will help as well as never. In the same league as: “Have you ever tried not to be homeless anymore?”
I think the woman’s question is okay.