Betta Weibchen jagt anderes seit Isolierung vom Männchen?
Hallo ihr Lieben,
Ich habe jetzt mein Betta Männchen seit Freitag von den Weibchen mit einem Glas mit Luftzugang von den Weibchen getrennt, also so dass sie sich noch sehen, jetzt auf einmal jagt das vorher sehr schüchterne Weibchen das helle Weibchen.
Wieso tut es das auf einmal? Und was soll ich jetzt machen? Vor der Isolierung vom Männchen haben die zwei sich prächtig verstanden und sind ruhig nebenher geschwommen. Soll ich die beiden jetzt auch voneinander isolieren?
Daten: 60 Liter Becken, dicht bepflanzt (weshalb sie sich nicht permanent jagen) mit Versteckmöglichkeiten (Fingerwurzel und Dekor Vase mit drei Ausgängen).
Scheinen beide nicht laichbereit zu sein. (Keine vertikalen Streifen zu sehen, dunkles Weibchen plustert sich vor hellem auf, oder jagt sie)
Besatz: 1 Betta männlich (isoliert), 2 Betta weiblich
This is so inconceivable predictable.
Also the posture of 2 females is not recommended. Betta sororities should include at least about 25 animals, because of the narrowness and the confusingness there are no such hunting situations, or personal hostility, and the most aggressive females see a) that they cannot expel the others b) are there for competition behavior too many fish, and moreover they do not always chop on the same ones when they do so.
Place another glass, then replace it later by 2 gaaabically simply furnished 12 to 25 l basins. Daylight (East West Close or East West Nord Window Bank), Nanoheating, possibly 1 cm sand, Catappablatt, Ceratopteris or Limnobium or Efeutute, wood with Spikey Moss or Anubias- that’s enough. Or instead hold 2.5 cm sand and Cryptocorynes in addition to the swimming plants.
Or: Smoothly separate basins in 2 parts with darkened disc or filter sponge. The resulting 30 cm compartments are completely sufficient.
Are you serious? That sounds like the purest animal torture. The three are now separated. Are Betta splendens and you can keep females together. Just putting the male on it wasn’t good. The females have always been together in the shop without hunting themselves. It was an hour in the store and could watch it well. So if that had been SO predictable, it would not have happened.
The 1 male 2 females idea is not even completely wrong- but as experience it does not work for the duration. Not with splinting breeding forms. Unless xyz etc. but it usually happens just like you do. This is the most common course in a 60l. First you save the male, then the second female.
I’m serious. Do you really think about it- why animal cruelty? Or, apart from that, why by what effects should this be bad? It’s not that there is no problem, but what exactly do you think would happen?
You can’t really confirm that. You can’t even keep all trichopsis (related genus) together, although that would support any general book and zoo dealer.
Can it be that it was about 25 in a 54 l basin?
One hour you can keep some males together.
I know the kind relatively well – the breeding forms – and I have no reason to equip or to blame you. I do not recommend a single holder of the breeds of the 2 females in 60 l.
The 1 male 2 females idea is not even completely wrong- but as experience it does not work for the duration. Not with splinting breeding forms.
Yes, you can interpret it. Or she still wants to go there to miss her an ass kick 😄.
But it is true, Bettas are not single-goers, but the cohesion is unfortunately too uncertain. The wild forms are more likely.
The funny thing is that the bright female (which has always been hunted) now hangs almost on the glass of the dark female (the hunter). Why is that? So according to the motto they can not with and not without each other?
If you cover up so many females that it’s almost a pity.
Problem: It is generally a bad idea to buy fish from different sources for health reasons. Who sells you 25 females?
And the money that costs such a female swarm is more than if you just take 2 small basins with low tech. And then there is still a small residual risk that because of things such as especially aggressive females, it doesn’t work like that or you accidentally get hit by some males (maybe in the zoo trade) and then you have the responsibility for 25 fish instead of 3.
Nonetheless, I think that if you pre-order the one from a source is quite an option. But don’t stop at 5 and not at 10. This must be over-eating, as with Malawibuntbarschen.
So it would be better if I just put more females in?
It’s best to give everyone his own pool. See, go wrong.
Yeah, now they’re all separated. It was obviously wrong to advise in the store.
Yeah, apparently. You never hold males with females. And two females together aren’t great either.