Keeping Betta Splendens females together?

I read on WikiHow that you can keep multiple female Betta fish together. Is that true? How big does the tank need to be? What else should I consider?

Thanks in advance for answers 🙂

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5 years ago

I’m holding 5 females together at the time, and I’ve been fine for years. I think that you have to hold them individually. My oldest is now 3.5 years. A proud age for a Betta. You have to look after the charkter. Of course there are also females who are aggressive but not all long ago.

In the beginning, they will threaten each other a little bit and pluck each other at the fins. If the ranking is then such behavior should no longer occur.

I recommend an aquarium with at least 80cm length and very strong planting. If one of the females doesn’t understand each other, you should have a plan B. Either another aquarium or someone who takes it away from you.

5 years ago

Even females can be very rough! If you want your animals to live long then keep them alone. This saves you a lot of stress

5 years ago

They don’t need much, fighting fish swallowing air.

You can keep females together without any problems, but males would be ripe.