Betrugsfall bei Paypal. Ist das möglich?

Hallo, ich habe über meinen Webbrowser etwas in einem Onlineshop bestellt. Es ist ausgeschlossen, dass es sich dabei um eine gespiegelte Version handelt.

Ich habe über Paypal ausgecheckt. Ich nutze eine zwei Faktor Verifizierung. Dass mein Konto als solches dann gehack ist, ist auch ausgeschlossen, korrekt?

Dennoch hat sich während des Bezahlprozesses eine andere Empfängerandresse eingeschlichen. Das hätte ich eventuell beim Auschecken bemerken müssen, habe ich aber nicht.

Es handelt sich um eine Adresse, die ich innerhalb meines Kontos nie als Adresse verwendet habe, die Person ist mir unbekannt.

Ist es möglich, dass dieser Scam so passiert sein kann? Also war es den Tätern möglich, irgendwie während der Datenkommunikation zwischen Meinem Paypalbrowser und dem Shopbrowser was zu manipulieren?

Ich bin gerade ratlos.

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1 month ago


2FA does not rule out that your account can be taken. It protects you from anyone else who knows your password and account name. It does not necessarily protect you if you enter the data yourself elsewhere or someone can control your current session.

Manipulate the data between your browser and Paypal (man in the middle attack) is virtually just about malware. Exceptions are unsafe system settings (example DNS server change and additionally install a CA certificate). Without local changes to the system, this is virtually excluded by https.

A fake shop page or Paypal page are possible explanations. Normally, the shop transfers the delivery address to PayPal.

Without details it is impossible to call a precise reason.

But it also seems strange to me to change a delivery address. Normally, attackers want to order something themselves and pay with your account to get the money out of it somehow. Don’t take anything from you.

1 month ago
Reply to  HansStraubig

If you use https, the server is certainly part of the domain that is in the address bar, and the data is protected from manipulation, yes.

Malware in your system or browser can change the data anyway, that would not be at network level.

leg checkout with Paypal there are different variants, you can use the address of PayPal or from the shop page, there is also not so deep inside.

If you have your browser history, you may see if you have landed on the right Paypal page.

1 month ago
Reply to  HansStraubig

It may be that the online shop has a bug when communicating with paypal and thus does not pass the correct delivery address.

1 month ago

Two options:

Either the shop was fake, or your PC/end device on which you executed the order has been infected and taken over with Schadsoft.

1 month ago
Reply to  HansStraubig

Something’s wrong here. You write:

Nevertheless, a different recipient address has occurred during the payment process. I might have noticed that when I checked out, but I didn’t.

It is an address that I have never used as an address within my account, the person is unknown to me.

It’s just a manipulation.

But now you commented:

Because the shop didn’t get any other address from me. I only saw this as a source of error that this login was captured there. These have taken the Paypal deposited address for shipping and that was wrong.

If the address was so stored on your PP account, then it must have been known to you, how would it otherwise be in your account?

1 month ago

The problem, if you want, is the unclear separation of sender and emfpängeremail address. 🤷

1 month ago
Reply to  HansStraubig

Just what you’re presenting again: such inaccurate grammar that you have to interpret what you actually mean.
I see how the co-authors are diligently guessing and guessing.