Betrugmasche reingefallen Kleinanzeigen?
Hallo zusammen ich bin leider heute auf einer Betrugsmasche reingefallen indem ich einen QR-Code gescannt habe und meine Kreditkarten Daten eingetragen habe sowohl wie Kreditkartennummerdatum vollständige Name und die dreistellige Zahl hinten nun ist meine Frage ob ich mir Sorgen machen muss kann der Betrüger denn ohne meinen PIN von meiner Kreditkarte Geld abziehen ich habe die Karte nun sperren lassen aber erst nach einer halben Stunde
Please lock your card. For online purchases, the perpetrators now have all the necessary data.
Even without PIN?
In the case of payment details for online purchases, the PIN is requested.
Boah, why do you do that?
Have already taken the right steps. It’s best to report to your bank’s emergency support.
Because people are disgusting. Can you do something without a pin?
No, most of them have a double confirmation. I meant why you’re doing this 😁 but I’m gonna get nix. Never eat stuff or anything else. Report immediately to your bank, otherwise you can have bad luck and a negative account
That’s right. It was very stupid of me. I never had a credit card, that’s my father’s. So little experience. Is there anything you can do with this data?
You should definitely check your account balance daily. Unauthorized debits can be returned at any time.
However, when a credit card is charged, it is somewhat more time-intensive and not always successful. This is something different and not as easy and quick to book back as a direct debit.
However, unauthorised to revise debit. Otherwise the whole system would be pointless.