Betrug oder Ehrlich gemeint?

Mal ne Frage: Ne Freundin meinte, sie will sich einen Fernseher holen. Dafür braucht sie drei Raten und die erste muss sie mit einer Kreditkarte bezahlen. Sie hat aber keine und hat deshalb mich gefragt. Sie meinte, sie Braucht dafür nur Vorder- und Rückseite der Karte und hat auch schon Geld überwiesen auf mein Konto (noch nicht angekommen, aber erst vor 15 Min. überwiesen). IBAN weiß sie schon. Was würdet ihr machen?

Edit: Noch nie im RL gesehen

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2 years ago

I wouldn’t have dealt with such a deal. Not really if I’ve never seen this person live.

Sounds like Love or Romance Scam.

There are pages that put online such scams and thus warn against them:

I can’t say whether your girlfriend is such.

One should consider this possibility.

Check your account.

In your place, I’d lock the card right away. With the data you sent to her, she can buy online:

Good luck

2 years ago
Reply to  Nicki996

Thanks for the star and beautiful weekend ☀️

2 years ago

Don’t do that. That doesn’t sound very cowardly.

When the money comes from her to you, she will return.

She should ask her parents for help if she wants to buy something.

2 years ago

You need to know how your girlfriend is. If you met her the other day, I would think twice

2 years ago
Reply to  Nicki996

… but never seen in RL


And why do you mention that only on demand??

Brich, please Contact, this is a clear and well-known attempt to fraud!

2 years ago

When you complete a rat financing, you just don’t need a credit card…

2 years ago

I would immediately cancel any contact should the money be credited to your account at some point (what I doubt) you can pay it back.

2 years ago

Don’t leave my credit card.

By the way: if there are only three rates, it can cover the 3 months and then buy and pay the TV.

2 years ago

What would you do?

The whole thing rejects me real Girlfriend would never ask for that.

How long have you known this friend? Personal and how much do you trust her?

2 years ago
Reply to  Nicki996

…but until now she was always very fond of me

Of course, she wants your money too.

And again:

Brich, please Contact, this is a clear and well-known attempt to fraud!