Betrug durch Spielekonten?
Frohes Neues erstmal,
ich habe ein Problem
Folgende Situation:
Ich verkaufe ein Spielkonto, wo Handel von Accounts gegen die Richtlinien von Spiel verstößt, in dem Bespiel Fortnite. Ein Käufer hat sich gefunden und möchte den Account via Paypal Käuferschutz kaufen. Bezahlung ist angekommen. Daten des Accounts wie versprochen geschickt. Nun behauptet der Käufer die Daten wären falsch und möchte eine Fall bei Paypal eröffnen. Wenn ich den Fall verliere, stehe ich ohne Account und Geld da. Meine Frage ist: Greift Paypal überhaupt da ein? Da es bei Paypal steht, daß der Verkauf von digitalen Waren auch abegsicherst ist aber doch nicht bei Spielekonten, wo es gegen die Richtlinien verstößt? Danke schonmal an alle Antworten
Yes. What does PayPal interest in the guidelines of Fortnite? Nothing. PayPal has not signed a contract with Fortnite, but only you and the buyer as an account owner.
The fact that you may not have a PayPal as a minor and the registration with incorrect date of birth acc. § 269 StGB is criminal, you have already been informed.
1. You are minor and must not use Paypal at all. It’s illegal you use Paypal.
2.) The sale of such accounts is injustice.
3. Paypal does not support illegal actions.
Think you’ll get locked and forget the money.
And that’s the right consequence for you.
First, I’m not a minor.
Secondly, I am the seller and not the one who tries to tear something against the claws.
And thirdly, I am still grateful for the answer. Now I can go to sleep with a good conscience without being betrayed.
1. Yes, you’re a minor. Don’t lie here.
2.) Can you read? Again: The Sales of such accounts is injustice. So you as a salesman are planning something wrong.
You’re really cute, kid, with your lies and the fairy tale you think.
1 year ago and 8 months ago you were 15. You can’t be full-year. But if you really think you’re going far with lies, just try.
Rubezahl2000 only told you about the consequences of your criminal act. At 14, you are already criminal.
Nowadays, you can’t look for help as a full-year-old on this platform or how should I understand? These prejudices from you do not bring anything. I’ve only been looking for help here because I have the fear I’m being zoomed as a salesman through the KÄUFER protection.
I’m surprised you’re just thinking because you’re the oldest on this platform in the name of 2000. But don’t make any sense to get excited, here is only offered help and seek help.