Betriebskostenabrechnung ALG1 – ALG2?

Hallo. Ich wäre jedem sehr dankbar um meine Frage zu antworten.

Im Zeitraum von 12.22 bis 11.23 befand sich die Person im ALG 1. Ab 12.23 wechselte sie in das ALG 2 und erhielt eine Betriebskostenabrechnung für das Jahr 2023. Das Jobcenter meinte, dass alles, was er zum Zeitpunkt des ALG 1 als Zuschlag in der Betriebskostenabrechnung erhalten hat, das Jobcenter mit der aktuellen Leistung umrechnen und die Leistung kürzen wird…. und das sind mehr als 500 Euro!

Die Frage ist, ob sie das Recht haben, Geld von einer Person zu nehmen, die bei ALG 1 war und Geld für Heizung und Wasser zurückbekommen hat. Dies ist kein zusätzliches Einkommen, sondern eine Rückerstattung Ihres Geldes!

Darüber hinaus handelt es sich bei ALG 1 um eine Rückerstattung des Geldes, das er während seiner Erwerbstätigkeit gezahlt hat und normalerweise Gutschrift von Betriebskosten von 2023 muss bei ihm bleiben.


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6 months ago

That’s right!

This is not about what time a BK credit or credit results, it only depends on when it has flowed.

The whole is called inflow principle!

If the balance had been on the account at the latest in the month before the application for civic money, it would be assets and no accountable income.

If it is calculable income, the BK balance in the month after the influx is calculated to reduce the demand of the KDU – costs of accommodation = warm rental without deduction for normal household electricity.

In return, the Jobcenter would also have accepted a BK – repayment for written formless application if it had been due in terms of performance or in the month of application.

If it were to be a balance from the cut-off for normal household electricity, it would not be a reasonable income, because the cut-off from the standard requirement for living or own income must be paid by itself.

6 months ago
Reply to  ADA369


6 months ago
Reply to  ADA369

There is no free allowance that will be charged up to the last cent with the KDU – cost of accommodation = warm rental without discount for normal household electricity.

Amounts can only be claimed on earned income according to Clause 11 b SGB – ll.

Or, from the completion of the 18 year of life, other incomes such as ALG – 1 and with civil money are raised, because the ALG – 1 which can be calculated would not cover the basic requirements under the SGB – II.

If the ALG – 1 is not yet earned income, where allowances are taken into account in accordance with Clause 11 b SGB – ll, you could normally deduct 30 Euro insurance fee.

However, this does not apply to a BK balance!

There is an exception, if you would already be in the job centre’s benefit and warm rental would not be appropriate that Jobcenter would have sent a written call for cost reductions for inappropriate housing costs a long time ago, and the transition period would have passed and the job center pays only the appropriate costs, so you would pay the difference from the standard requirement or your own income.

If you would receive a BK credit later and that for the period in which you have paid a part of yourself, because the job center has only recognized and paid the appropriate costs, then you could deduct your own payment from the BK credit.


6 months ago

The Inflow and outflow principle in SGB II.

If the refund is made during the performance cover (the account is credited), this is a reduction in the demand in the month of the inflow.

Conversely, if you had a repayment from the ALG 1 time, the job center would have to take over it if you were in the benefit when payment is due.

6 months ago
Reply to  kevin1905

A BK credit is not charged to the costs of the accommodation in the month of the influx, only in the month after the influx.

6 months ago
Reply to  ADA369

However, this reduces the need for at least one month.