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Hello BrainFog128.
I have never seen my parents as friends, even though we have always understood well.
My parents are and remain my parents.
Between my parents and me there is unfortunately almost no harmony, as I have hardly taken over their views and behaviors and do not match the characters. We aind at least “allies” who can also grill together.
From my point of view, SOLLTEN parents can be friends!
If a child is old enough and can take care of himself, parents no longer need it and they have fulfilled their task. It can and should then go its own ways. Only in this way is free and individual development possible.
Where, in addition, there is a connection “of heart”, no one harassing others with regulations, expectations or demands, friendship from man to man is also possible!
In this context, I do not play any part in any of the laws or religious beliefs.
Currently, a “friendship relationship” with my parents is not possible.
There are strict and less strict parents. Certainly, there are many who have a very good relationship with their parents and talk to them about everything as well as with good friends. I used to have a girlfriend, and the mother was always at the party because she was so young.
The older one becomes, and the more certain one becomes, the better one can understand oneself again with his parents.
And if you have such great parents that you see them as friends, that’s something very special.
My parents have died.
No because elders are about completely different than just normal friends, with it also plays a role as the ratio of children to the elders is
No, parents are respected people who have a role model. This does not correspond to the role of a friend
Of course not! …
Parents are parents
Friends are friends
I think I know the difference!
I honestly have a closer relationship with my friends than with my parents. At least much closer than my father.
Parents are parents.
Friends are friends.
No, I never have.🤗✨
LG Maike
No, definitely not
No. I don’t.
No. But I still respect them.
No. That’s too bad. But I am a friend of my (adult) children!
Not even parents.