Betäubungsspritze wirkt nicht richtig beim Zahnarzt was tun?

Guten Morgen,

leider habe ich das Problem das die Spritze bei mir nicht richtig wirkt, selbst wenn man nochmal 2-3 mal nachspritzt. Es fühlt sich zwar dann irgendwann alles sehr taub an, so wie es ja auch sein sollte aber Schmerzen habe ich trotzdem noch. Ich war letztens zb bei dem Zahnarzt von meiner Mutter der auch gut ist aber hatte genau dieses Problem. Am Montag bekomme ich einen Zahn gezogen unter Sedierung, mich graut es jetzt schon wieder davor 🙁

Woran könnte das nur liegen das die Spritzen nicht richtig wirken?

Danke für die Antworten.

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1 month ago

On Monday I get a tooth pulled under sedation,

With a sedation you don’t get much of it anyway.

What could it be that the syringes don’t work properly?

In most cases, the cause of anaesthesia agents lies in existing inflammations. In the event of such an occurrence, insufficient anaesthesia may be achieved. Further reasons can also be anatomical conditions – for example the nerve does not run where suspected.

Unfortunately, I have the problem that the syringe does not work properly with me, even if you spray again 2-3 times.

Then the dentist should also come up with the idea of carrying out an intraligamentary anesthesia if a line or local anesthesia does not bring the desired success.

1 month ago
Reply to  August2007

If you don’t have a companion, you don’t get sedation either. After a sedation, you must not leave the practice without accompaniment. I think you’d rather mean the usual anesthesia.

Could the dental surgeon somehow get anything so deaf that I won’t have any pain?

No one can give you the guarantee. As a rule, however, a tolerable level can be achieved with different techniques. It may be helpful to mention the problems with the anaesthesia agents directly at the beginning of the treatment.

By the way:

I had to let my dentist pull a tooth – and the anesthesia did not work because of the inflammation.

1 month ago

If you already focus on pain before and during the treatment and wait for it to hurt, then you will also feel pain – whether an anaesthesia works or not. Sounds stupid, but it’s real.

Just wait for the appointment and let it come to you. Talk to the dentist about your concerns and fears. You’ll see it’s only half as bad as you’re painting it in your head now;)

and so by the way: nothing is worse than toothache. So get to the nausea. And if it’s just a short pain in the treatment, bear it. Then it is often a sudden improvement – but you know for sure.

1 month ago

Well, if that’s all settled. Wonderful.

1 month ago

I can’t tell you why no syringes work with you. However, if you get a sedation, you won’t get anything from the treatment.

Ps: It is forbidden to use 2 accounts Annkat38 😉