Besuchsverbot zu Eltern als Erpressung?

Ich lebe in einer Wohngruppe und war am Wochenende oft zuhause. Ich habe aktuell echt Heimweh und jetzt hat mein Bezugserzieher mit der Leitung besprochen das ich erstmal nicht nach Hause darf.

Meine Mutter würde mich zu viel beeinflussen (es geht um saublöde adhs Medikamente).

Ich habe so krass das Gefühl das die mich erpressen wollen. Aber das bringt halt nichts. Meine Eltern müssen das mit den Medikamenten entscheiden und nicht ich. Außerdem leiden meine Eltern da nicht so drunter.

Ich kann meine Mutter auch nicht umstimmen.

Was kann ich machen außer so sau doofe Sachen wie weglaufen etc?

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1 year ago

Now I can imagine you can’t see what the educators see right now.

There’s a good reason why you’re where you are. As good as ever, unfortunately, it is always so at the beginning that the contact to the home brings many problems. The children accommodated cannot rely on what is required.

And yes, the parents are disturbing. Without a reason, you weren’t taken away. Parents are a large part of your problems, if not the biggest part.

Playing / interactions between child and parents must be interrupted that you have a chance to develop positively.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lilykid

..and still disturbs the influence of your mother….

There’s a good reason why you were accommodated there!

1 year ago

I can understand that it’s like blackmail. It’s not.

You’re not in the group without reason. And it’s bad if there’s a big disagreement between the parents’ house and the group. One means the other raises the other. it’s about you.

But if you hear the mingling here, there’s another one that’s really not good for you (yes I know you now you’re going to fight it again because you like it at home, but not all that you like is good for one too.

It must be found a clear line.for YOU.

I can’t do it, but it should be ALL participants (home, parents, you and the doctor to talk to you in peace)

1 year ago
Reply to  Lilykid

yes, you must finally bathe it, you are the suffering. And that really shouldn’t be. And you can’t do it. It’s really not good for you, if one says the other. But even grown-ups, unfortunately, do not always get to act for the benefit of the child.

1 year ago

Yeah, that’s stupid. I agree. As long as your parents have health care, they also have to decide whether and what medis you take. Especially when it comes to permanent medication.

In all of the extreme emergency, a judge would have to speak the discerning word. But even that may not be useful if the Hei wants to enforce his view

1 year ago

Obviously there are differences and since your mother’s opinion is not decisive at the moment, I assume that she was partially deprived of custody. Before a judge does that, a lot has to be done/fitted.

And the supervisors, together with the educators, have determined on the basis of this judicial decision that the drugs are necessary. So everything goes without complications if you accept it. The more you and your mother resist, the more consequences this will have.

Take the medicines. You don’t have to love her, but you probably realize that they’re helping you. What you may feel is that you are different with it. Give this other a chance first. Many ads/ADHS-lers have benefited very much and would not be in the position today because they had to waste too much energy on self-organization, etc. without medication, or had not managed to meet the requirements of school/training/study.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lilykid

You wrote very little. Almost everything is missing, especially what speaks against a visit to your mother. Then I don’t have the state but a possible future. Whether it’s time you and your mother are in your hands. What you feel as extortion is trying to reward or punish you with the reward “home trip” for proper behavior.

1 year ago

slows down your tone. I’m not a clairvoyer, and if you’re just following information a little bit later, it’s logical to change the impression with me with every new portion. But this is not about me, but about your modest way of communication. And not for the first time

1 year ago

Okay, there’s a lot of facts coming. The decision on a medication falls to the doctor and not the educators. Therefore, the media should not play a role in this.

1 year ago

Unfortunately, you don’t write how exactly that behaves with the “saublöden” ADHS medications. So we can only say one thing: your referee believes that your parents have a negative influence on you and other stays at home You are more tolerable than tolerable.

What can I do besides so sau doofe things like run away etc?

In one you’re right: walking away is really saudoof! But at the moment you can only add and evade the best of your current situation.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lilykid

AHA! That’s why the wind is blowing! No wonder that you should be deprived of the influence of your mom! But you should not dissenciate your educator, but your mother – because it is YOU that has not adhered to the rules. IHRETWEGEN you are now getting home!

1 year ago

Without ADHS medication….?

Look, your parents are in your way.

Now quite clearly, educators do not feel that their protégés stay in the group for the weekend.

For educators, this is all but pleasant.

So they didn’t shoot themselves unnecessarily!

1 year ago

How does your mother imagine how the future should be so further? And what are your goals?

1 year ago

Unfortunately, you are currently standing at the point where you now reject any medication.

1 year ago

What can I do besides so sau doofe things like run away etc?

Accept it.

This is not a question of extortion, which are simply of the opinion that contact with home would not be good for you at the moment or hinder a development that is desired.

There is no power required on your part or the like, so there can be no extortion at all. Rather, it is a finding and a corresponding reaction to it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lilykid

It’s not a punishment either.

Like I said, this is nothing you could influence. It’s about the fact that you think the contact isn’t good for you.
It’s like you’re keeping a kindergarten kid at home when she’s in the nursery. Sure, the child didn’t do anything, but that’s not the point. It’s about keeping damage away from the child.

1 year ago

There are, apparently, shared opinions.

1 year ago

Oh, man, such a dynamic is always bad. You’re honestly just getting out by joining this and working with it. Only the adults can find a way out of it and that’s easier if you don’t bring dynamics into it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lilykid

the one does what, the other doesn’t like it, but he has power and decides something that doesn’t like the first one, …. So just the adults act around you. But you’re firing nicely by always confirming the one that just does what suits you more.

1 year ago

that may be, the external effect is different.

1 year ago

you just confirm your parents in their decision because you don’t want to take any medication. That’s how you fire the conflict.

1 year ago

just what I just described

1 year ago

This is not an extortion but a “educational measure”

These visits seem to burden you more than they do to you and therefore it will be a sensible decision to take this stress first.

And whether you take a drug or not is your decision. Talk to the doctor who prescribed it to you and let you explain the effect. Then you decide.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lilykid

I suppose you’re older than 12 and you have a right to determine how you’re medically treated. So listen to me so hard and stubbornly to answer when you say what you can decide and what you can’t.

You can decide which medicines you take.
You can’t decide whether or not you get out of the group.

1 year ago

Then you know everything better and don’t ask.

1 year ago

You took the medicines just a short time and whether the really guilt were in your condition is probably not quite sure, except there are other active ingredients. Your parents should show themselves cooperatively and agree to another attempt with tablets. This time under supervision and not exactly during the holidays. Clearly that your mother is now afraid and fears that you do not wear other active ingredients. Only you must remember that the educators and the Youth Office have something to say. Extortion isn’t that direct or somehow, but they want to help you. If the tablets do not bring any or any other side effects, you can put it off again. Theoretically you have no choice, with bad luck your parents will be deprived of custody, so it will only get worse.

1 year ago

That depends on what you want.

It would be best for you to do all that, because the worries of the educators do not sound unjust.

1 year ago
Reply to  SpookyBatwing

It would be best for you to do all that, because the worries of the educators do not sound unjust.

If you have contact with the questioner here several times, you know… they are not 🙂

1 year ago

Because you are the person who sits in the group of women and needs to be medicamentated because she doesn’t get clear with the world around herself.

This is drastically expressed, but it is ultimately the quintessence of endless discussions among your questions.

And I’m BLEIBE in this statement and view, so you can save yourself discussing it. If you come back with your ‘nun am I not’ anti-conception, I will ignore it

1 year ago

This has less to do with your parents than with you. You are the person you have to worry about.

1 year ago

they manipulate you negatively

1 year ago

You can ask for a conversation in which all parties participate. But you should think that emotional performances do nothing to you, so stay as objective as possible and introduce your concern.

What do you want? What would help you? What’s in the way? What do you want to change? What can you do to make you feel better? Who should support you?

If you know what your goal is, for example twice a month, a visit from when to when… then go to the thing.

Running away and freaking out only show you how a toddler reagiers. If you want to be taken seriously, you only have a behavior that shows that you can fight and present your concern with arguments.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lilykid

You know exactly what you want and try to get through this with deceit…

1 year ago
Reply to  Lilykid

Then you’ll have to accept this and keep you in touch with the agreements. If the supervisors find that you cooperate, they will also be ready for a new arrangement.

1 year ago

But you are, dear.

1 year ago

just follow the orders of the educators and your doctor.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lilykid

no he ordered them. also you will not be extorted, but it is to assume that the educators will pass through the thing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lilykid

You’re not blackmailed here either. Extortion always requires a return ‘if you do (not) then you may (not)’

Here is the view of contacting home is not good for you and therefore prohibits you to go home.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lilykid

I don’t see blackmail here! You’re just mad because you don’t get your will!

1 year ago

No, you don’t have to earn yourself right. You have to earn privileges.