Besuchen oder nicht?
Mein fünfter Neffe ist am Montag auf die Welt gekommen (restlichen 3 sind von meiner adoptiv Schwester) und meine Schwägerin ist gestern erst entlassen worden und mein Bruder ist auch den kompletten Oktober zuhause kann man die schon besuchen der große ist nicht bei uns
Let the young family reinvent themselves. In particular for the young mother, a visit can quickly become stressful.
You’re going to come by in three days and you’re going to keep the visit short.
My dad wanted to visit her tomorrow morning
Maybe a bit fast, even if I would like to see my grandson as soon as possible?
I don’t have to go
If the child’s mother is very positive to all of them, we will talk in vain. Then just go.
If the grandpa has not seen the kid yet, but the grandma has already seen him, then Grandpa must be jealous of his wife for a few days longer.
My mother saw the baby yesterday
Of course, you should visit her, you don’t have to be an excessively long visit.
An hour is enough
If the young parents are right… visit. What pre-cooked to take with you for dinner or a cake so that the small family has no effort with the visit. Offer help during the visit. Look if there’s something to do in the house. Every handle that is removed is good.
Young are no longer 37 and 43 old parents
strange the “young” and read and VERSTEHE!!! my answer again!
Yes they also visited me when I was freshly operated with baby 2 years ago
Of course.
I have enough idea
That’s what you know.
I don’t know
Then why do you ask?
No I would like to
You’re old enough to stay home alone
No, my dad is also here
Then stay at home and don’t do any unnecessary work to your brother and his wife!
No I don’t help them my brother is at home the complete October
Why do you ask strangers instead of directing you to parents? There’s no one here to know how the two are now and whether they want to have a visit.
I think your brother and his wife decide.
You don’t have to be interested.
I know
I have to
It doesn’t matter what your brother and his wife decide
Yes was so
…and now again must:
Yeah, ne, it’s clear….
No because I have to
Then it was
again one of your typical exaggerations.
I can come with you
It’s the same name, you must be
It means
What’s wrong?
He said I can come with you
Then your dad will surely have short-circuited with the two and have agreed that
I just want my dad
Your question was:
Whether you can visit them, your brother and his wife decide – if they say you can come it’s okay if they say “wait something” that’s okay.
But I also have to come and watch the baby my parents force me
Just ask if you can come by.
My dad wants to go
This is your decision
we were not there