Bestes Pesto?
Was ist eurer Meinung nach das leckerste Pesto für Nudeln?
Was ist eurer Meinung nach das leckerste Pesto für Nudeln?
Gerne könnt ihr die Marke der Milch nennen
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for about 4 persons, production time approx. 15 min
and of course everything as fresh as possible…
Peel the garlic cloves and cut into very fine cubes. (Tip: Whoever only likes a touch of garlic halves the toe and rubs the mortar inside with the cut surfaces.)
Process the salt and finely chopped garlic in the mortar to a creamy consistency. At best, move the ram circularly in the interior of the mortar.
Place the pine cores gradually in portions into the mortar and rub.
Now the basil leaves are on the line. They are also added to the mortar in small portions in succession.
Place the grated Parmesan gradually into the mortar and continue to stamp. The mass should have a creamy consistency.
While one hand continues to stamp, the other hand slowly pours the olive oil in a thin jet into the mortar. If everything is well connected, the pesto is ready.
The classic: basil (freshly picked), garlic (fresh, no powder), (pregnated) pine nuts, pecorino (cut from the piece, no ready-made rasp), olive oil, pepper, salt.
Bärlauch and basil, both made themselves.
Haha with me as well
A self-made pesto. This is not so difficult, for it it tastes better than any industrially manufactured pesto, in which there are additives that no human should eat or even need. For example, this one:
Pesto genovese – according to original Italian recipe (
Vegan beard pest
Why? So why is Bärlauchpesto vegan better than with Parmesan?
Just trying vegan