Bestes 125er Naked Bike?
Ich mache bald dein A1er und finde die YZF R125 ganz nice. Sollte diese Maschine doch nicht so meins sein, wollte ich mal wissen welche 125er Naked Bikes die schnellsten sind?
Ich habe mir bisher nur die Honda CB 125 R angesehen, weil ich die optisch sehr sehr schön finde. KTM Dukes z.B. finde ich aber gar nicht schön. Ich mag den Cafe RACER Style bei Nakeds am aller liebsten.
125s hardly differ in their final speed. Until you reach this, it’ll take forever. For this reason, it doesn’t matter which 125s might be 5km/h faster than others.
Your criteria for a purchase (end speed and optics) are questionable and typical of beginners.
More importantly, however, are reliability, dealer proximity, spare parts supply, price (creation, inspection, spare parts), resale value, handling, suit, height and weight and, and, and…
If you find Cafe Racer nice, then why only super athletes?
Do not look for the 3 km/h difference, but for the feeling. Sit down and if it fits, it fits.
When it comes to 100 – 150 hp more then you can think about it
Sure. I like the Yamaha but also the design. I like Cafe Racer, both SSPs. It’s clear that you have to sit on it and take a test ride.
The CB125R is really a great fleeting A1 bike. You sit comfortably and she doesn’t look bad.
If you like the Cafe Racer look, you might also like the Mondial HPS or the Brixton Sunray (so I have). The second is not the performance of a YZFR, but it’s a lot of style and great driving feeling.
The Brixton looks really good. Thank you
That’s it! Watching and testing is worthwhile, you will be thrilled.
Yamaha Mt-125!!! Is the daughter model of the Yzfr-125. The most beautiful Nakedbike in the 125s class. I drove it for two years and didn’t regret my decision for one second.