Bester Laptop unter 300€?
Hallo Leute, ich brauche eure hilfe. Welcher von den unten verlinkten laptops ist der beste für gaming. Als wo man spiele wie gta (möglicherweise csgo) am besten laufen und nicht alles laggt. Ich kennr mich hiermit nicht so aus, danke im voraus
If anything, I would choose the Asus. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
If ever the Asus vivobook
But that you can quite forget about gaming with all of these laptops but you also have to be clear. That just doesn’t work out at €300.
Minecraft will run a lot more
Thank you.
so if only the asus, it has at least a halfway reasonable and also current CPU intus
Thank you.
So the notebook
This is still okay and good in shot
rubber ball
On you will find offers last time I bought for about 300€ a Ryzen 5 2500u with Vega 8 and 16 GB ram with the can even be halfway zoom when you make prints on the graphic ka ob the offer exists but look past this website