Bester 2 in 1 Laptop?
Möchte mir eine convertable laptop kaufen aber ich werde nicht fündig.
Er soll:
Abnehmbare Tastatur
einen Stift
vllt ein bisschen zum zocken
und nicht zu teuer sei.
Vielleicht kennt sich da jemand aus.
Danke schonmal im vorraus.
So what now? removable keyboard, then you have a tablet. foldable keyboard then you have a convertible? in the round you can’t do sooo much wrong. I would first clarify how large the screen must be and then take one with 1tb ssd and 16 or 32gb ram and sufficient (but not excessive) processor power. because you should never screw up a thing, you can’t get it together again. The most important feature for me would be the battery power and it must of course be fanless.
What would you recommend to me? 1tb and 32gb and midestens 13zoll
difficult. ventilatorless, I can only find this: rather unsuitable for shocking.
yes, but why then even what tablet-like and not a common light laptop?
he does not have to be
If gaming is to be expensive, so from ~1700€ go on
And without gaming?
About 1200€ if you want 32GB RAM
I use the surface per 9 but the surface per 8 is also very good meets your criteria only that it is a bit expensive.
The Windows laptop that you get from school has pen, keyboard and touchscreen. As far as I know, it’s not that expensive either.