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Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?
Moin, habe leider ein Problem und vielleicht kann mir hier ja ein Experte weiterhelfen.
Kreidler kaufen?
Lohnt es sich eine Kreidler flory zu kaufen
You have to look after an old supermoto like a DRZ 400. But for the price it becomes difficult to find a good one.
Look around for a Naked bike and leave the Wheelies.
No wheelies= not so much fun
As long as the road is okay, but on the road an absolute no-go. We motorcyclists already have enough problems (see ideas about driving bans on the WE), that is not exactly helpful.
Depends on what you like to drive.
Supersportler, Naked, Tourer…?
I’d take the wheelies out of your head very quickly.
Jaja just wheelis! Instead of asking what a bike with abs and long-loving, ask for wheelis!!!!!
Childish and immature behavior!
I generally ask what a good bike is but wheelies should be possible… Your behavior here is childish and it is called wheelies and not wheelis…
Wheelies are basically possible with every motorcycle when you control the technology. A supermoto should be well suited for practice. Nevertheless, you should look for a safe motorcycle.
Have fun in the future with the Duke!
naja almost right but there are always motorcycles with which a wheelie is lighter e.g. the duke 390 (has Abs is safe and easy) 🙂 I looked a little bit around YouTube etc. and I decided now for the 390