Bestellten Artikel in falscher Farbe erhalten, wer kümmert sich um Rücklieferung?


Ich habe einen Sitzhocker zweimal in rosa bestellt. Nun kam die Lieferung, und einer von beiden war gar nicht rosa, sonder graugrün. Auch hübsch, aber eben nicht bestellt.

Verkäufer sagt, kann ich nicht behalten, muss ich zurück schicken. Nun ist das Paket aber so groß, dass es weder in mein Auto passt, noch irgendwie zum nächsten Paketshop getragen werden kann.

Wer ist nun für den Rücktransport der falschen Lieferung verantwortlich? Kann ich verlangen, dass das Paket bei mir abgeholt wird?


Versandhaus hat sich nun doch gemeldet! Sie beauftragen die Abholung bei Hermes. Ich muss nur das Paket bereitstellen.

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3 months ago

You should deal with the seller. In principle, however, it depends on the type of shipment. In the case of a freely selected shipping type, the buyer usually carries the shipping costs for the return, but has the possibility to stay with the previously specified shipping type.

In the event of a shipment by the respective parcel service provider, the buyer usually has the possibility that the package is picked up by him. Here, too, it is important that the seller has pre-ordered a bulk product class.

3 months ago
Reply to  Alexandra51279

so, not even a return ticket. Great.

3 months ago


Who is now responsible for returning the wrong delivery?

Your seller

He should order a package shop*** that the package will be picked up by you.

You can also***, but the postage must pay your seller.

Write a corresponding email to them because it is not your fault if they deliver the wrong color.

After this is Hermes:

Can Hermes do the pick up at my home?

We will be happy to pick up your national shows at your doorstep. The order to pick up parcels and baggage items can be easily delivered online. In order to ensure a pick-up on the next working day (Monday to Saturday), the order must have been created by 20 a.m. on the previous day.

3 months ago
Reply to  Alexandra51279

Wow, what’s this for a shop, give a link

What does this seat stool cost?

This idea is coming to me.

Order for 10€ with Hermes and give him the stool with

3 months ago
Reply to  Alexandra51279

Well, I said,

and congratulations:))

3 months ago

na gugg an… You just have to be stubborn enough and then you can work

and the seller is clear that he has sent the wrong article. End control should be reported here as a keyword, ABER can always happen where people work.
*Green… maybe it wouldn’t have happened with Musks Android *eyeroll*

3 months ago

Hermes collection costs; there is nothing to order for 10€, don’t pay

Prices for parcel collection

L-PackLight and shortest side together max.120 cm, max.31.5 kg, up to 500 € Liability 15,95 €

3 months ago

No, you can’t ask. Bzw, you’ll probably be able to do it for wrong delivery. But if they refuse, you’ve got soviekl bothered and spliced. After all, they pay the return. However, you can point out that they should pick up the package within 14 days.

Something like that. Had to go to the packing station.

However, one can carry a seat stool as a package to two. Maybe you have neighbors who take you to a packing station. You can go back to foot.

3 months ago

The return must pay at least the seller, as incorrectly delivered.

But you have to give it to yourself. You can just give it to the poster.

3 months ago
Reply to  Alexandra51279

Or you just have to order the pickup.