Besteht die Chance auf eine Schwangerschaft?
Hallo ich habe eine bitte ernst zu nehmende Frage.
Und zwar hatte ich Anfang November letzten Jahres Geschlechtsverkehr. Ohne Kondom aber mit Pille (Maexeni20).
Ich habe einmal einen Schwangerschaftstest Mitte Dezember und einmal Ende Dezember gemacht. Beide waren negativ.
Dann hatte ich einen komisches Ausfluss weswegen ich dann Mitte Januar zum Frauenarzt bin, diese machte einen vaginalen Ultraschall und gab mir dann die Diagnose einer bakteriellen Infektion welche für den Ausfluss verantwortlich war. Von einer Schwangerschaft hat weder sie geredet noch habe ich etwas erwähnt.
Jetzt habe ich seit ein paar Wochen schmerzen im unteren Rücken beim Haltungswechsel und spüre auch Bewegungen/Tritte in meinem Bauch. In ganz unterschiedlichen Abständen mal ein Tag nicht, mal ein Tag mehr und deutlicher.
Meine Frage ist jetzt ob es den die Chance gibt das doch eine Schwangerschaft vorliegt, und die Frauenärztin in ihrem Ultraschall einfach nichts gesehen hat weil es zu früh war und sie nicht drauf geachtet hatte.
Oder ob diese Bewegung auch tatsächlich Einbildung sein können, man muss dazu sagen das ich wirklich panische Angst davor habe und mir ständig Gedanken darüber mache und es mich psychisch belastet.
Und bevor jetzt etwas mit nochmal Frauenarzt kommt. Ich weiß das es die einfachste Möglichkeit wäre um es herauszufinden jedoch bin ich noch nicht Volljährig und müsste somit mit meiner Mutter darüber reden und diese bitten einen Termin zu machen.
Danke im Voraus schonmal!
in my eyes there is no chance that you are pregnant.
The female doctor would definitely have seen an embryo or a fetus during ultrasound. If you had an infection, you would have addressed the pregnancy (risks, triggers, etc.)
Two negative pregnancy tests that were not carried out too early are a clear sign that you are not pregnant. If you had it then the test at the middle of December would have been fat and fat positive and the end of December only right.
Your complaints may also have other backgrounds. I know you’re straining this, and you’re stressful, but I’m trying to distract you. Make you realize how impossible a pregnancy might help but it doesn’t have to.
If your head gives you arguments that speak for a pregnancy then contradict everything. Example: ‘But my symptoms can indicate that I feel even trit!’ – ‘The symptoms can also be of other origins like stress and all the panic I do for a pregnancy. The trit I either form one or in my intestine air has accumulated because of all the stress and this I now take as a trit” Every time your head answers with ‘What if not?’ then imagine how impossible it can be, how many women wouldn’t know they’re pregnant if the tests were so unreliable and not even the female doctor can recognize the fetus in the 10th week.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Thank you, these words really helped me 🥰
If you had sex last in November and were with your female doctor in January, it’s almost impossible for your doctor to overlook pregnancy.
2 negative tests in succession are also extremely unlikely.
Pain in the lower back can also be hormonal condition and indicate your coming period. I’ve had a couple of times the dressing in the abdominal ceiling without being pregnant.
Did you increase a lot or get a big belly? You would have to be in the 6th-7th month – that is usually not unnoticed.
I didn’t tell the female doctor about a pregnancy, so I assume she didn’t pay attention directly to that. And this “trit” I feel is the first time I felt very clearly with my palm on my stomach this morning. 2-3 Trits. But that was just after I woke up.
You don’t have to pay attention… if she did a vaginal ultrasound, she could hardly have overlooked it, but she’s really bad in her profession.
And as I said, I have also had such a doll bite in the lower abdominal ceiling – that I could see and also feel from the outside, but there were no trits but only nerves in the abdominal ceiling.
If the pill is correctly taken, you are protected over 99% from pregnancy. In addition, you’ve also done two tests and the female doctor would have had to notice a pregnancy in ultrasound, you would have been pregnant for over 2 months. You see that. And if you were pregnant from the beginning of November, you would have been pregnant for 6 months – you would have noticed that by now, by changing the abdomen, except perhaps you are strongly overweight (in the case you should work urgently, overweight is the worst thing you can do to health). So I think it’s quite impossible that you’re pregnant.
And by the way, under 18 you can make an appointment with the female doctor, that doesn’t have to do your mother for you.
Hello, I would definitely talk to your mother, she will not tear your head off, especially since you have actually ruled out a pregnancy and such things happen more often that a pregnancy is not recognized 🙈 be courageous and talk to your mother, good luck 🍀
There is no reason to believe in pregnancy.
Your “trit” is probably simply intestinal movements.
Take a test against the head cinema.
And I don’t know why you have to be full-year to be able to use a phone and arrange a doctor’s appointment.
I also feel this “trit” clearly with my palm of my belly. However, today was the first time I felt this and that was just after the wake up.
Just take a test.
But – for an intact pregnancy it is necessary and is no longer detectable 7 – 11 days after the end of pregnancy.
If the HCG values are not normal, the week of pregnancy is at best incorrectly calculated, but otherwise it is an indication of an extrauterine pregnancy or a threatening abortion. There are not so many “exceptions” or “can be some.”
No, I’m completely happy. Not every woman has such a high value to the end.
It is not necessarily common, but probably possible.
But – is a reason – because it’s bullshit.
And now another spoiler comes: commercial tests (irrelevant whether cheap or not), all have the same basis, they only show it differently – and that is what makes them sometimes more expensive. Or because they have a huge plastic thing around them. Inside, everyone is more or less equal.
Commercial tests measure HCG from 20 – 100 (depending on manufacturer) – at the end of pregnancy you still have about 5000!
So, uh… maybe look for a new gyn?
No reason to turn right 😀 After the first third of pregnancy or so from the 16-18 week, the HCG decreases again to such an extent that some conventional SST can no longer prove it. In a urine test with the female physician or the like, but not necessarily with commercially available, especially cheap SST. And the “nonsense” is from my female doctor…
Oh, please! Where does this heavenly nonsense come from?
Please don’t spread a quark like that.
HCG only disappears after pregnancy! It is the entire pregnancy over LOCKER in the detectable area!
he would probably not bring any more
The HCG that triggers the test disappears again in the course of the Schwyangerschaft. In the 6-7 month, it can be good that it is negative despite pregnancy. Allrdings are the chances for 2 negative tests end December extremely low if they were pregnant
Then you’d be very far in pregnancy.
A test in January/February would have taken you fear long ago?
Go back to the gynecologist and give you another contraception if you’re unsure. Or additionally use condoms
Hello, that your doctor would have seen the baby in ultrasound in mid-January, I mean, too. The hormones in the pill can cause the most diverse symptoms especially for younger girls. With them the natural development of your cycle is interrupted. The cycle with its own hormone cycle takes around the 5 – 7 years until it is matured. The hormones of the pill are often not well tolerated. What age did you start? Do you keep intercourse with your friend? Did your friend like to sleep with you? Sometimes it’s like that, and you can think about how it suits you as a girl. You realize that the thought that you could get pregnant despite the pill is stressing you. It is also true – no contraceptive is 100%. Your friend could also like you “just like that” – you as a person with everything else you are – what you can do and like to do – where you just keep developing to the woman. Maybe these thoughts are new to you – or not? I like to hear how you keep going 💖