Beste Seite um HHC (Blüten) zu bestellen?
Ich möchte für gelegentliche Genusszwecke HHC ausprobieren bzw. mir per Post bestellen. Ich bin volljährig und dies ist auch nur für Genusszwecke am Wochenende vorgesehen. Hat jemand schon Erfahrungen damit gemacht oder hat sich selber schon mal bestellt. Ich finde “Cannastra” ganz gut
HHC as a mono-substance is in fact (still) not prohibited.
However, if the HHC pulp produced in huge steel tanks is applied to useful hemp (CBD) bags, the product is illegal because CBD bags are illegal in this country (D).
This is forbidden and unhealthy
HHC is not forbidden and that it is unhealthy is quite aware of me. Is my own risk what I’m taking, isn’t it?
It’s unhealthy. And that doesn’t change. It is possible that you need annoying help due to consumption and use tax money.
HHC is not prohibited and THC is no longer allowed.
It’s unhealthy anyway.
And takes unnecessary tax money.
All right. Good decision to stop smoking 👍 very smart
No I’ll let it be all right
I’ve done this all the time in the past, but not often and never had a desire. I’m fine, and I stopped smoking, so cigarettes… good for it in between by e-cigarette but since then I get better air, etc. but other topic
Regarding the view.
Thank you for your acceptance.
Just please do the favor and don’t depend. I just want to help. So I don’t mean anything bad.
Your psyche can’t have done well. Mental health is also treated with tax money.
Can’t be fun any other way….
Nevertheless, I accept your view and understand it
Let me just do it as I want. I don’t stress the health system I’m fine, I’m healthy and don’t use the above often. You can say 2 times a month
This does not justify the additional burden of the health system.
If now everyone would start hurting other people, it would still be a crime.
Well, no, the point is that most people do not live 100% healthy. Everyone has his trucks.
And this justifies to extend this list with hhc?
Just as people who drink, are overweight, are underweight, do not make a sport, do too much sports, sun without sun cream, eat unhealthy etc pp
How to keep it
Here are children. I won’t recommend shops here and you shouldn’t.
Apart from my question here, there are far worse but do I understand…can you delete questions?