Beste muslimische länder um zu leben?

Mir wird ständig gesagt dass ich raus aus Deutschland soll wenn es mir hier als Muslima nicht passt (weil man mit Kopftuch nicht im Dienst arbeiten darf, Diskriminierung etc).

Also haut Mal ein paar gute muslimische länder zum Leben raus. Mit pro und Kontra.

Mit unfreundlichen Grüßen

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2 years ago

I wouldMalaysia say. Let’s try to find out why.

  1. Political stability
  2. Economic stability
  3. Strong currency (1 USD = 4.4 RM)
  4. Mildes Weather (20-30 degrees)
  5. Moderate Islam: Mosque-centric programs throughout the year show that people love Islam.
  6. People are well trained, extremely modest and friendly
  7. Clean environment and lots of rain all year round
  8. Many places to visit or make holiday: beaches, islands, theme parks, national parks etc. Lately, Thailand has surpassed the number of tourists visiting the country per year.
  9. Good and affordable training
  10. Some high-level universities – UM, UTM, USM (see QS and TIME rankings)
  11. Low cost of living (3000 RM / 700 USD for normal life)
  12. Well-connected motorway and highway network
  13. Large tech farms for job prospects (SAMSUNG, INTEL, LENOVO, SEAGATE etc. and many others)
  14. Crime rate almost zero
  15. Halal food everywhere
  16. Mosque everywhere
2 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcokebunny

No cause;)

2 years ago
Reply to  thealbanerguy

I am not a muslim but because of point 14 I would pull there alone – a madness, as in the opposite in europa the criminality could explode since the first wave of refugees since 2015. There are daily violent acts of Syrians, Afghans, Chechens and East Blockers. Why do they come to us and bring the violence from their countries?

2 years ago

Primarily, I would go after job search and security. Economy of course

Dubai. Economically rising, people from all over the world. They have even imported cows and vegetables for Europeans and build it.

Saudi Arabia is now acting massively like Qtar. But the conflict between the two shook down. Traditionally, the Saudis become a bit looser, drive a car, football, but they don’t have skaters in everyday life. As in fast restaurants, for example, still separation

Classic Morocco. Not so far Still underestimated is

Tunisia. Opens slowly. You can also go without a towel, even women are already in Shishabars. Also a melting crucible, tries the tradition/modern balancing. The kitchen also excellent. Cheap prices. Is currently stable in terms of safety

Egypt would be the classic. How about Israel? Tel Aviv also has tradition but is also modern. Well there is always alertness

The Iranian corner is really beautiful. We were in Turkmenistan. But Traveler is zero residents. Turkmenistan 0 is therefore recommended for human rights. The landscape down there wow. Would definitely avoid the corner down there

I don’t know if it helps, hope so. Don’t rush out. Courageous. Respect!

I live in two countries. 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcokebunny

Bahrain and Jordan I hadn’t thought Jordan seems to be worth living, but Bahrain has “only” oil and I don’t know what’s going on, you don’t listen to anything. Kuwait is a risky situation. At the Oman I am also out, always good if countries are not mentioned so often 🙂 Yes is totally true, dialect and own meanings. In Sicily they also have Sicilian, they only look and almost understand nothing. (Iateine+Greek +Arabic -Mix) Canadian words for the same understand the amis also not 🙂 Then there’s someone else nuts and there’s nothing to do 🙂

2 years ago

So you’re doing what others say? And where do you want to live?

2 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcokebunny

Where are you being discounted here in Europe for your religion? Gives mosquitoes in every city, Arab shops and even formulas on the offices are to have in your speeches. Women are socially free – they are oppressed by their own men at home – but there is nothing for Europe. You have to make sure that it fits our free democratic values.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcokebunny

If you don’t want to be discriminated as a woman, an Islamic state may not come into question.

1 year ago

uiuiui… there I brought the old man to the palm. You shouldn’t be so upset at your age – your blood pressure will owe you, because that doesn’t mean age anymore;-)

1 year ago

Who are you thinking you have to make me do this? become as old as I am, then we can talk on – have certainly done more in my life than you! even if we write here on the internet – also here should be respectful with others – just as tipp, from me to you;-)

1 year ago

again…… you’d rather learn the correct spelling first.

Just read your answers a couple of times – maybe you’ll get it. I hope so. First think, then speak/write – only once as a tip.

1 year ago

where did I talk back? It is clear that we are a Christian-styled country and have to adapt to new immigrants here – therefore also called parallel society.

1 year ago

oh God… you contradict yourself and don’t even notice it

2 years ago

I meant that you came into our Christian culture here and think we should adapt to your culture. So it doesn’t work – you have to adapt and don’t live in paralell societies next to us – you separate yourself from yourself and then always come with the racism lobe. This doesn’t work – if you are not willing to adapt to Western values, then it will be better that you go in countries to share your faith and let us be satisfied.

2 years ago

Evtl Bosnia-Herzegovina, is Muslim, but not crass religious.

2 years ago

So if you find a towel great, then Iran vllt

2 years ago

Saudi Arabia. Afghanistan.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcokebunny

Yeah, a real paradise for women. They can even make the driver’s license. And you can keep the towel on it.

2 years ago

That was an appeal with the terrible Muslim as you see Muslim.

Oh, you know how I see Muslims. Or are you lying about this?

Double moral is … ( gives enough videos).

And what does that have to do with the subject? Apart from that, of course, you are right. So with the video (although I don’t know it, I think that some German fans have bothered each other). But of course, only Moroccans can do that, even if they won.

An example of an Islamic country where you can walk around with Mini Rock as an athesist is Singapore&Malaysia.

I didn’t talk about running around (even this is partly problematic, while walking around in Germany with head cloth is not a problem). But you know that. You just want to take a little bit.

Please seriously answer my question from now on

I already answered. Let me know when you’re on your way.

2 years ago

It took a really long time before the favorite word of the freedom limiter fell. What is supposed to be moral, you will not be able to explain as much as the fact that is to be double moral.

After all, I know now that you are a terrible Muslim, that has already been worth information and is worth an applause of self-criticism.

Oh, yes, if you can tell me an Islamic country, where I am an atheist without a head cloth, without a breath with mini skirt

any profession I want to live out.

Please tell me.

Nice tach.

2 years ago


2 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcokebunny

Was seriously meant, Qatar has a quite good way of living