Beste Geschmäcker für Vape Liquid (Ohne Nikotin)?
Hey leute ich vape ab und zu sehr gern (nur paffen und ohne nikotin ich mag den geschmack einfach) und ich wollt mal fragen was eurer meinung nach so die leckersten geschmäcker sind (bitte keine 187 oder elfbar disposables)
Taste can be contested. What tastes me can roll up your nails and vice versa.
Right now:
Germanliquids Taste of Orient – Peach Papaya Cocos
VapeTastic COPZ series (donuts in different flavors)
Dreamlike Liquids: Chocolate Milk (Vanillemilch, Waldi, Black Wonder are also nice)
For self-mixing, the aromas of liquid laboratory are very delicious.
Squice Berlin Air
Bang juice Tropical hazard wild mango
Bang juice prime vanilla
Riccardo Peach Maracuja
Dinner Lady Watermelon ice
Blue Mountain or Blue Ice. Tastes cute and sweet after berries, especially blueberries.
Otherwise ‘Yellow Snow’ – no, it doesn’t taste like what you think now, but after lemon sauce:P I think it has 1:1 the taste of lemocin. These lemon licking pills for neck pain, which help 0 but taste nice xD
bro without nicotine:(
I have been steaming for a short time and I have naively assumed that any nicotine-containing liquid also exists without nicotine:/
Otherwise, keep mixing yourself if you can.
Liquids in containers with more than 10ml per bottle are available ONLY without nicotine.