Beste Gaming Pc Konfiguration bis 800€ Geizhals?
Hallo gute Frage Team ich wollte mir einen Rechner selber zusammenbauen jetzt wollte ich fragen was denn die besten Komponenten sind bis 800 € vorzugsweise eine geizhalsliste
Hallo gute Frage Team ich wollte mir einen Rechner selber zusammenbauen jetzt wollte ich fragen was denn die besten Komponenten sind bis 800 € vorzugsweise eine geizhalsliste
Wenn ich eine Bildschirm aufnahme mache (egal welches Programm) kann ich meinen Mauszeiger in minecraft nicht mehr sehen. In der Aufnahme kann ich ihn aber noch sehen. Der Mauszeiger ist noch da aber ich kann ihn nicht mehr sehen, was soll ich machen?
Hallo, ich möchte mir ein PC zusammenbauen. Und weiß aber leider nicht welches gehäuse am leisesten ist. Ich hätte 2 Auswahlmöglichkeiten. Entweder Das gehäuse von NZXT H7 Flow, oder das von be quiet! 500FX. Andere Gehäuse Empfehlungen gehen auch (am besten mit RGB) 😉 Vielen Dank im vorraus.
Hallo, kann mir jemand ein sehr gutes Mainboard für den Sockel AM 5 und DDR 5 empfehlen. Mein Budget liegt bei höchstens 350 Euro. Es sollte auch Wifi haben. Rgb- Beleuchtung ist total unwichtig. Ich danke im Voraus P.S. Vllt. am besten von Amazon. Und ausserdem kenne ich mich mit Wasserkühlung nicht aus, es wird…
Hey habe mir gestern das neue Icue link system besorgt und eingebaut. Mir ist aufgefallen das der innere Ring eine led nicht funktioniert wenn icue Software hochgefahren ist wenn ich den PC starte oder runterfahre funktionieren alle led leuchte.
Hallo, weis jemand ob es theoretisch möglich wäre den kühlkörper von einer msi suprim 3090ti auf eine msi suprim 3090 ist ja eigentlich das selbe ungefähr nur das der kühler größer ist.
It’s something about it, but I’d have about it. So done.
Hello – a best stationary game calculator, there will never be or the peripheral components are increasingly developed.
However, I can show you the next stationary games calculator as console destroyer, which is still optimal for ZEN 3 Socket 4 (AMD): Shopping Cart. With that, you’ll have your fun for a long time.
For ZEN 4 Socket 5 (AMD), the configuration looks a little different!
Until the days.
So a 130w cooler for a CPU with 142w PPT is a little bit.
And for theines gaming the 770 is not bad, but has just some inconsistencies, which is more suboptimal.
How do you get it?!
This is my configuration B550 AORUS ELITE V2 (rev. 1.0/1.1) Special features | motherboards – GIGABYTE Germany, AMD RyzenTM 7 5800X3D Game Processor, PURE ROCK SLIM 2 quiet essential air cooler from be quiet!, FOCUS GX 550 Watt 80+ Gold – Seasonic High Quality Power Supplies & so everything goes optimally!
The GraKa by intel – is powerful! It does what it was designed for!
Finally, someone who evaluates the bandwidth! But the rest of it is a little bit exaggerated.
And no, I have something to do seriously, which is why the answer is somewhat shorter. And with the 1440p comparison, I just wanted to make it clear that the 3060 and. 6750xt are on different levels.
But the 3060 does not take away its very good vram data and 1080p power.
No one – you have the time or would it be used here to call a chat! You take the time to typ in here. So it is absolutely bullshit to give such a thing of itself! It’s just bullshit! Apparently, it’s very hard for you to fool into your own language game, whatever!
Thank you, now I know what you meant & was not written out!
I also describe the main features, the memory (which is just a buffer) & the “width of the interface” which also plays an enormous role! All the more is just a buckling snack on which most of them fall in. Let’s see when the groschen falls! – ROFL over u!
You should be able to differentiate what I’ve previously tipped or. my system is optimally trimmed on FHD. For this, some can lack understanding!
No, I just don’t have the time. Some games with older dx versions run somewhat worse. Not great as before, but worse.
If a 130w TDP cooler can cool up to 142w CPU optimally, they probably have a little understatement.
And with the 3060 you can tell anyone else at a Comedy Festival.
The 12gb with 192bit are the only similarities and also the only good at the 3060.
7 vs 8nm
Over 800mhz faster frequencies. (Base and boost)
17.2 instead of 12 million transistors
And the performance is completely different. From a 1080p medium to high to a 1080p ultra and even 1440p medium graphics card.
What digital games, please list or link Please do not generalize the digital games to the manufacturer’s network page, including:
What about:
The selected GraKa: XFX Speedster QICK 319 Radeon RX 6750 XT Core Gaming from € 319.00 (2024) | Price Comparison Geizhals Germanywhich you have inserted for the FS (Fraframeer) is optimal for FHD & does not differ from the: ::Palit Products – GeForce RTXTM 3060 Dual :I have in my system! From the main features, they are the same! Only the integrated buffer, the: AMD ׀ together we advance_AI as: AMD Infinity Cache Technology which has extra 96 metabytes (plural) can be called an advantage!
I realize that with the GPU.
However, small problems with some games are still present and they also perform with the new drive a little worse than the 6750xt.
with the cooler be quiet at the TDP has probably subtracted somewhat.
No, man. The program, driver etc. for: Intel® ArcTM A770 Graphics Chip, of course by: Intel | Data Center Solutions, IoT and PC Innovation, corrected, adjusted, improved etc. It is not possible, according to the old state of knowledge, to deliver a generalized standard response. The latest program package: Intel® ArcTM A770 Graphic @ intel Arc & iris Xe Graphics – Windows* in version:, comes from 29 October 2024!
The link in the shopping cart is the GraKa of: ASRock > Intel Arc A770 Challenger 16GB OC! Only the graphics chip comes from Intel | Data Center Solutions, IoT and PC Innovation!
In the cpe (the “Central Processor Unit”): AMD RyzenTM 7 5800X3D Game Processor, was neither overclocked nor screwed down. It all runs in the standard standard, which is optimal with the:PURE ROCK SLIM 2 quiet essential air cooler from be quiet! work! You can use it on all models of the 5000 series that are not overclocked! You can view it as a minimum requirement for the cooling unit/coolers!
This allows the system to function optimally or my computer has a high performance for FHD (1080p)! So – my configuration is optimal & I can play / zoom everything in the recommended system requirements! I also have a GraKa for FHD!
What I have linked in the shopping cart will also have a high perfomance & so you will have your fun for a very long time!
Yeah, she is.
Only the drivers are not yet perfectly optimized for gaming. In 2 years you can look again, and then the Intel GPUs are probably a good alternative for gaming.
Did you somehow limit the processor Undervolting or TDP restriction?
Because he pulls 105w TDP and 142w PPT. With full power, the processors will be hot purely in factual drawing milk.
on the budget, I would do this:
There you are at 800 euros and have a solid system