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the best processor would be the Intel Core i7 14900KS. From price performance perspective an i5 13600(K/F) and i5 14600(K/F) are recommended.
Depending on the game i5-12600K(F) to i7-12700K(F) or optionally replacing i5-13600K(F)
Remember that Intel from 13th. Generously read certain bugs and overload phenomena to sell excessive processors completely undocumented to its customers. Already the two above 12th. Gen. K-Series ran under high continuous load regularly in thermal and electrical limits, which is Intel with 13th and 14th. Gen. rather just worsened.
All i9 are for pure gaming on LGA 1700, however, only unmissed money.
It’s the 14900KS. But that doesn’t mean that I would recommend it.
Which would recommend
The i7 14700k, because the 14900k makes no sense for pure gaming.