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6 months ago

Sportsman in the 125 area is the YZF R125 top rider.
But if you were looking for something else, for example, the Ninja125 or the KTM RC125 would also be a good choice.

However, if you are technically talented and have nothing against something older, I can recommend the Aprillia RS125 or the Honda Mito 125, both are 2 clock models and so I can promise you to take off any 125 and also larger motorcycles.

6 months ago

I had a beta 125 rr and she wasn’t bad. 120 with backwind and mountain off, well what about storage space and visually I found it also horny. Apart from that, I can probably only recommend brands, Yamaha is as far as I know well, with I don’t know how their 125s are and otherwise still husquarna if the 125s have. If I could help you somehow, I’m happy to ask for more questions, I’m always happy if I can help somehow

6 months ago

I prefer the Honda CBR125RW Jc39.

2.2 liters on 100 motorway kilometers.

I found out this weekend.

Find the best.

6 months ago

Are all toys-not just what you mean and make up until then the appearance for real motorcycles..