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2 years ago

Then you lack the balance to jump.

Seat exercises without end, generally find a better balance, bar work in a light seat until breaking. In addition, series – primarily to train YOU.

It’s a pity that your jumping instructor doesn’t spend anything like that – he/she should see what’s going on and what it’s hanging on.

2 years ago
Reply to  anynomegrl05

But that’s her job. That’s it!

Then please ask for individual hours or change the riding instructor.

2 years ago

The misunderstanding is that you are looking for a stop. The jumping saddle is not held, but simply stands comfortably. So, as if you were standing on the floor – doesn’t work if you’re leaning forward beyond your feet. Presumably, you can also fold your legs backwards, which makes the effect worse. What does the coach say? He gets exactly for it to lead you from rod work to Cavaletti, seat training to light, relief and deep seat to the jump.

2 years ago
Reply to  anynomegrl05

It won’t be until Sunday. I’d say two, three years. Movement learning from zero goes more or less fast depending on talent. From the mistake to the right it takes three to five times as long as learning new, because it is stored in the subconscious.

I wouldn’t book a riding instructor who teaches so superficially that she’s doing that. Whether it’s time or interest.

2 years ago

Better ask your trainer directly. Basically exercises for flexibility in the hip, much light seat – this also requires stability, good jump boots are not to be underestimated and make a big difference in the hold. Don’t look at the jump while the horse jumps but always stably straight out. Not up and not down. View the jump when riding as soon as you are on line the look firm

2 years ago

After 1 year jumping, you should get that under control. Before the actual jumping one is prepared by rod work. I’d change the riding teacher Mal. Either the preliminary work or the class doesn’t fit you, it’s obviously too fast for you. Should the riding instructor actually remember. If you don’t control the seat, you shouldn’t jump. Start again at the bottom until the base is right.

2 years ago

Oha… years and then such a question…? Where is your trainer who would have taught you this and correct you?

Take money in your hand and make a jumping course and a one in which you learn basics. First of all, the correct light seat.