Bessere Note als 4 unverdient?
Wenn ein Schüler 100% gibt, allerdings nicht mündlich mitmacht, hat er dann eine bessere Note als eine 4 verdient?
Ich erinnere mich das ich mich über die 4en auf den Zeugnis in der Grunschule nie erfreut war, besonders da ich wirklich volle Leistung gegeben habe.
Mit dem heutigen Wissen, das die mündliche Note allerdings 50% der Note ausmacht, muss ich wohl eingestehen das ich Sie zu wohl Recht bekam. Denn ich habe damit ja nur maximal 50% erreicht.
Mein Manko war eigentlich immer, dass ich langsam war und nie mündlich mitgemacht habe.
Das hat mir dann leider auch nur eine Hauptschulempfehlung beschafft.
Thin system. In order to take part orally, it is not only necessary to control the substance, but also trust to report, that is not so easy for everyone. And you can see if you can. If you want to test something orally, you can do it.
Like you were, not everyone is so fast. I’d rather think about my answers, so I couldn’t say anything.
Just don’t make sense. The point should be that I learn and master the substance, and that is asked by tests. Why shouldn’t I get at least ne 2 if I can do anything? It’s a total nonsense, because the collaboration is so high.
With us in the real school there were always two thirds in writing and one third orally. I don’t know how it was in primary school.
The note has nothing to do with how to work. “100% give” can be very helpful, but this is not included in the review.
If the student does not participate in something, he does not give 100%.
I think that’s bullshit. Especially schools where 50/50 counts.
Actually, it’s right. Thus, it is fair to those who are shining in writing and fair to those who shine orally.
I don’t know
Well, report and good exam is not enough to get good grades overall. It also depends on how your quality is on your answer.