Bessere Deutschkenntnisse?

Hallo, ich bin m(17) und gehe bald in die Oberstufe, da ich einen migrationshintergrund habe, habe ich Probleme mit der Deutsche Sprache, ich will mich gerne verbessern in der Grammatik, Rechtschreibung und schreib Aufgaben wie Charakterisierung, Stellungnahme und einfach allgemein über alles, aber ich weis nicht wie ich es lernen soll, paar tipps?

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7 months ago

Actually, reading is the only thing I like. Read books on topics that interest you. Find something exciting! Sit down and read. As a result, you develop a language feeling and don’t have to focus on grammar rules anymore. When you know, you can earn a lot of points when you get to know more vocabulary and develop a sense of using these and clauses yourself! Good luck!

4 months ago

Here’s my tip:

Somewhere I’ve read that you use ChatGPT, but I don’t think the Plus version.

But this is much better for learning because you get much more profound knowledge and can use the AI almost like a private teacher.

I did the rehearsal yesterday, and I explained ChatGPT Plus’s integral bill for a few hours and let me do some things with a solution.

ChatGPT Plus is awesome. Especially for you who still have obvious German deficiencies, it would be a medium to make you smart in all areas.

Read here:

You can write me a PN, then I’ll try to give you some more tips.

7 months ago

Go to your school library and consult with the selection of suitable literature from the library teacher.

7 months ago

There are excellent courses at the Volkshochschule , VHS.